This is definitely the month of making and eating goodies! The girls got to make and decorate sugar cookies with Auntie Jennifer. After that they got to make and decorate Reece's (and Hershey kiss) chocolate trees.
Blogger likes to scramble my photos so they are a little out of order.
Director and supervisor, Auntie Jennifer
Building the trees
Sprinkles make everything better
Intense concentration
If a few sprinkles are good, than MANY sprinkles are better, yes?
Someone doesn't like the camera all of a sudden.
Auntie's first tree
A Christmas Day surprise for the kids. More pets! Brie named the blue one Blue Raspberry and Chelsea named the white one Snowy.
I made a 40x60 quilt for each of the girls. I incorporated the same "sisters" fabric featuring Anna and Elsa from Frozen. I was sewing right up into Christmas Eve night. I think making three quilts in addition to all the other stuff December entails was a little ambitious, but it was worth it. This one went to Brie.
This one went to Chelsea.
This one went to Abby.
The girls were quite surprised with the birds, and weren't too sure what to think about them at first. They fell in love though! The birds are (still) quite skittish, and like to flee from people, but it's ok. The girls are very understanding.
More treats! We built gingerbread houses for FHE one evening.
Despite the change in most everyone's outfits, this is still the same night.
Downtown Christmas tree
I forget what this event was called, but there was a group that came in on this very fancy-lighted train, stopped in the downtown area, and sang a concert for us all.
We don't usually get to walk right up to trains, so this was pretty neat.
Here's the group. I know it's hard to recognize them in winter gear (yes it was cold!). Good luck trying to figure it out, because I have no idea who they are. They are famous though, I just am not in the loop.
More treats! Auntie Beth came over and helped us mass produce caramel popcorn balls. We ate a bunch and also gave away many plates full as another FHE event.
Brie is the only one of the littles that was interested in actually helping. Chelsea doesn't like caramel, so had no interest whatsoever. Abby munched here and there. But Brie was a great helper! She is getting more interested in helping in the kitchen these days.
Christmas Eve at the Kelly's! Here is Damien, our adopted brother. Ok not legally adopted, but he's one of the family.
I wonder which kids were looking at Bryon? Little monkeys!
We actually broke up into a (mostly) grown up table and a kid table this year.
Here are the kids.
Here are the grown ups, plus Gatlyn.
Abby hiding under the tree.
Let the chaos commence!
Here is Kyri holding the sock monkey I made her. I made a sock monkey for each of the cousin kids (time consuming!!!) since my girls liked theirs so much. Kyri did love her monkey. I think she loved it to pieces, literally. She at least stretched it to it's limits and likely beyond. (I didn't want to look too closely at it by they time she left.) As long as she liked it, I'm fine with it's fate. Poor monkey. Ha!
Santa came Christmas morning!
Abby got quite a kick out of this wacky kitty. It shakes it head in a circle, causing the whole cat to rotate around, while mewing at the same time.
The rest of Christmas Day was spent with the Heits. Randy and they kids are waiting ever so patiently to open stocking gifts.
The girls sure to love their Heits! I'm not sure what Brie was telling/showing Greg.
Grandma Heit made each of the girls a matching Princess pillow case. Abby used it as a cozy sleeping bag since there was no pillow taking up the inner space.
I stretched out and Abby stretched out on my lap. She knows how to make herself comfy!