Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kelly Reunion in Lisbon

 We got to meet my cousin's wife and kids for the first time this weekend. (Aug 10th) Here is their youngest, and the youngest Kelly to date, Haddie. I have another cousin having a baby boy in November. Can't wait to meet him, too!

 Classic Kelly shot. Take a picture of the person taking a picture of you. Ha!

 Terri hosted the party this year. We spent the day in the park in Lisbon, North Dakota. Big thanks to Terri for providing amazing food all day (and some others contributed treats and snackies, mmmmm).

 There was lots of playground equipment, a pool (which nobody used), a mini golf course (which nobody used), and lots of space to play frisbee. We played ourselves out!

 What's this contraption called again? Oh yeah. A merry-go-round! You don't see these things too much nowadays.

 Beth is pushing (great) Grandma Kelly and Colin on the swings. I don't know who the kid in black is, but the kid in blue and white is named Parker. He lives right next to the park and joined us for some frisbee throwing. We shared a cookie and lemonade with him as well.

 You don't see teeter totters too much either. I'm not sure how much the girls like them. But Daddy makes anything and everything fun!

 Again, random kid in black.

 Grandma Kelly helped Abby take her nap.

 Haddie and Chelsea got along swimmingly.

 Yes. Honk Mommy's nose some more. 

 Grandpa Kelly and his brother, Paul. I can see the resemblance, can you?

 Great Grandma Kelly with all of the attending great grandchildren. And me holding Abby, because she is clingy and doesn't happily go to other people, OR stand there and smile nice.

 Jennifer and Colin hanging out. Colin was cute referring to us all as his long lost cousins. Ha! Love it!

 Martin and Maureen

 Our family group

 Paul's family group
Colin in front, in back is my cousin Jim (Paul's son) and his wife Kandee, who is holding Haddie, then Paul's wife Debbie, and Paul

The Originals, minus one
Grandma Jeanne and five of her six children
Maureen, Terri, Mary
Mike, Paul, and not pictured is Joe who didn't make it to the party

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