Sunday, December 30, 2007


Chelsea's First Christmas

Chelsea's first Christmas was lots of fun! We got to celebrate with the Kellys on Christmas Eve. Chelsea got to meet Gavin, her second-cousin (that's the relation, not the number of cousins). He is the same age as Reed. Every year the kids get their pictures taken with a present in front of the tree. We felt silly in the last couple of years being grown adults and still holding a present in front of the tree. Now we finally have a new generation of kids to carry on the tradition!

It took Chelsea awhile to get into the fun of the gifts. It was a piece of packing tape that put her over the top! She finally started playing and enjoying herself once that tape came into play! She got a singing/dancing reindeer that she found lots of fun! Gavin got a kick out of it too, until it pushed him over!

Christmas day we spent at the Heit House. We don't have lots of pictures because our camera card filled up and our batteries died. Chelsea snoozed through most of the gift exchange (which took five hours and twelve minutes). Chris brought his girlfriend home for Christmas. Well, now she is more than a girlfriend. (I hope I can say this online...I'm pretty sure everyone knows...) She will be the newest Heit this spring! Yay! It was a great Christmas. I'm sorry it took so long to get this posted!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Baby in the Bath


Well, it has been an exciting week. I'll just give some short snipits of the Heit Happenings. Most exciting is that Rick was hired on at Results Unlimited! On his last day of interning they ambushed him and offered him a position, which he happily accepted. He started on Thursday. That means I will be going to part time at the beginning of January, yay!

We had a wonderful baptism for a primary kid I used to teach. His mom is from Thailand and made YUMMY refreshments. I got to go home teaching with Rick since his partner was unavailable. Walmart is a hectic and noisy place; at least in the photo lab! But I enjoy it! *Shop at Walmart everybody* Get photo greeting cards in just one hour at the photo center! :) The ward Christmas party was last night.

Chelsea is getting pretty good at putting herself to sleep at night. She doesn't have to be rocked or held to sleep so often. Yay! That is an exciting development for us parents. Now that Rick will be home every evening we will be able to get her on a more regular schedule, which should help immensely.

On a more serious note, my sister wasn't feeling well earlier this week. She went to the doctor, and he sent her straight to the emergency room. It turns out that she has developed Diabetes. She spent a few days in the hospital, but is doing great. So, now I have two sisters that are diabetic. But all is pun ;P

Monday, December 10, 2007


I have a cute video from a couple weeks ago when Michelle and Jeff, Lois, and Reed came up for a surprise Thanksgiving visit. Chelsea loved watching Reed. She thought he was just so funny!