Saturday, March 24, 2012

All of February 2012

 What an unusual winter for us. It is February and look at the amount of snow on the ground! And look at Chelsea's level of protection from the "cold." Crazy. Here she is showing off her seeds that she has planted. The leaves are the seeds, not the plants themselves.

 Look who likes her walker...
 ...even when only one toe can stretch down to the floor!

Chelsea and Brie are very good about helping with Abby. The concept of bottle feeding is somewhat lost on them though. Abby is a patient little sister so it was all good. 

 My three sweet little monkeys!

 This is Chelsea's room the day I painted her ceiling. I also painted the ceiling of Brie's room and the upstairs bathroom this day, all by myself. I enjoy painting so it wasn't too much "work," though I was pooped by the time I finished!

 The girls were helping Daddy set up the bookshelves we bought to store our games on. They liked using this piece as a plank to walk off. They were sailing at that point.

 Abby just looked on in interest. Such a cool headed gal.

Pinkie Pie serenaded us on the keyboard, care of Brie.

 The bookshelves turned into a house and Chels and Brie each claimed a room to sleep in.

 Missoni and Alize came over to play. The girls all had a fabulous time together, mostly involving the bookshelf boxes and other moving in boxes that had been emptied. 

 This was a great bear slide. The girls tried to slide on it but it didn't work. Eventually it DID get flattened and became a slide for the girls, but on a different stairway.

 The finished project of the day! Daddy was able to accomplish the assembly and organization of this whole wall amidst five little girls (and mommy) running around him.

Funny face!

 Pinkie Pie is still around. Brie carries her around all day most days. The girls love hanging out together.

 Abby is just learning to turn over here. Or else she's playing tag with Brie. One or the other.

 Pinkie Pie is sure to travel safely with a mommy like Brie.

 What a big girl Abby is getting to be. The time is really flying by this time around. The baby stage took forever for the other two (in my head) but Abby is growing up SO fast!

(insert your own caption here)

 Boxes are the BEST toys. This gigantic box served many purposes. It's initial purpose was to carry in a new filing cabinet. Since then it has become many things. Here it is a house that the girls are decorating.

 I'm loving Brie's outfit. She's got a dress up dress, a tutu over the top, and bee antennae. Some days her idea of fashion is a-mazing.


Chocolate covered raisins-game pieces, FHE treat, and bedtime snack all in one!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Photo Tour of Our New Home

 Walking in from the front door. Hi, Brie!

 Looking in, to the right, from about the place where Brie was standing in previous photo

 Standing in same place, getting the right side. This is our pantry closet right across from the kitchen

 Inside of pantry closet. I love how deep it is!

 Standing in kitchen looking at dining area

Standing in dining area looking toward kitchen. From the left you see the stairway going up to the kid rooms and bathroom, the stairway going down to the family room and master bed/bath, the pantry closet complete with nook above it (don't know WHAT to put there!), the doorway  leading to the front entryway, and the kitchen

 Sliding glass door leading to the deck

 Our stove that sits in the peninsula. I thought this was a little weird at first, but I'm used to it now.

 Skylight in the kitchen. There is another one like this above the main entryway, minus the ceiling lights

 The stairways again

 Brie's room, which is one the right going up the stairs

 The girls' bathroom, which is still blue and decorated with Hello Kitty decor. Lots of pink involved.

 Chelsea and Abby's room, which is on the left after going up the stairs

 Looking down the main stairway. The laundry area is just off the bottom of the stairs on the right.

 Looking straight into the doorway at the bottom of the stairs. There is now a washer and dryer in place and fully functioning!

Looking to the right from the same doorway we have our furnace and water heater, both of which are in full working order once again. (The furnace had some issues which we got fixed, but the water heater has always been a-ok.)

 Den/family room/living area at the bottom of the stairs. It looks smaller without the furniture. It's actually a decent sized room.

 Stair wall on the left, looking straight into master bedroom, and the master bath is the door on the left. The master bath isn't IN the master bedroom, so maybe it wouldn't be considered a master bath technically. But we like to call it that anyway. :)

 Looking into the master bath
 Our vanity. My sink is the far sink, Rick's is the near one. In the middle I've set up a diaper changing station.

 Yes, I took a picture of our toilet. I thought the nook was quite spacious.

 I LOVE our jacuzzi tub. It takes about half and hour to fill up enough to use the jets, but it's worth it. The girls have taken several baths/swims in it and think it's pretty peachy also.

 Master bedroom.

 Full sized his and her closets. Love it! Mine is still mostly empty with bunches of stuff sitting on the floor in front of it, waiting to be organized and placed INSIDE the closet. Someday. Someday. We've only lived here a month, why would it be done already? Psh. (That is mostly why I'm doing lots of "before" pictures. The "after" ones are still unorganized and messy looking aka embarrassing!)

Main entryway again only looking down from where Brie was standing. The main door is straight down, the other leads into the garage.

 Our back yard, all fenced in, complete with sprinkler system. 

 The previous owner, TJ, left this for us. He's military so downgrading when you move isn't uncommon. He also left a nifty weather station and several shelving units that have come in handy for us. He liked having an excuse to buy something new at his new location. We were happy to help give him that excuse.

 Our lovely deck

 A couple moving in shots. 

 I love the expression on the guy carrying the couch (the guy that is not Rick I mean.)

 Pizza for the movers! Thanks for all the help, everyone!

 Bye bye to the blow up mattress at Grandma's. We were not ready to sleep in our new place the first night after moving everything, so we stayed one last night at Grandma's.

 See? There really is furniture in our new place! I'm standing on the stairs taking the photo. Rick is working hard to alphabetize the movies. It looks more homey now. This room is mostly settled now. I still need to find my picture frames. My walls are naked!

The girls get along very well together. This photo wraps up my photos from January. I'm only a month and a half behind on the blog now! I hope you have enjoyed looking at our new home. We are loving it! The girls love their rooms and having their toys and games back. We are all very happy!