I love starting out a blog with such a fantastic smile. Chelsea likes to say "Cheese!" for the camera regularly, but my friend Jess took her picture and confused poor Chelsea. She asked her to say "Pickles!" instead of "Cheese!" Chels didn't say anything. Now, however, she says "Cheese! Pickles!" or else just plain "Pickles!" when I try to take her pictures. Funny funny girl.
Chelsea likes to watch mommy put on her makeup, and one day decided that she would put on her makeup too. This is her technique. :) She also pretends to put in her contenz (contacts.) She used to not get what the contact case was used for and pretended to clean the counter with it, or rub her cheek with it, but it finally clicked one day what it is used for. So now she scratches at the cover and then looks in the mirror and pokes herself in the eye. "Contenz, first. Then makeup." she says.
This is her wrinkle nose look. No, I have not yet cut her hair. It needs it desperately, but in the meantime we have rediscovered piggies and ponies.
Chelsea is rocking her bears to sleep. She still has to have piles of blankets, even for the bears. These bears with the hats on have a specific month on them. They correspond with our family member's birth months. At least some of the family. We only have five bears. So Chelsea has designated a favorite bear to each of us. Some of the favorites correspond with the person's birth month, and others do not. For example, the green bear in the front is October, but Chelsea insists it is Greg's favorite bear. His birth month is not October, but she doesn't care. *shrug*
I took a picture of this year's Easter Bunny picture, which is why it is kinda weird looking. Oh well. She wasn't scared at all, but once she was sitting in his lap, she didn't know what to do. Until he held 0ut a basket of candy. She gladly selected a package of sweet tarts and enjoyed them for most of the rest of our Walmart time.
So that's our post for this time. Good bye. See you later.
Just kidding!
So that's our post for this time. Good bye. See you later.
Just kidding!
Here is our first baby picture of Chelsea's little brother or sister. We don't know which yet, it's too soon. In a week I will have just six months to go. My due date is October 20th for those who don't do math well. We are very excited and happy to finally share our news! It seems a little hard to believe, even now. We've been trying for awhile now, so to finally have a baby on the way is kind of surreal, like it was the first time around! Yes, I've been sick, and no, I haven't been able to complain about it because we wanted to keep it a secret for awhile. Well I'm tired of keeping it a secret! But I think I'm getting out of the sicky stage now, so I won't complain too much to you. :)