Mommy sometimes plays video games. *cough* [Lego Harry Potter] *cough*
The kiddos like to pretend they are playing as well. Though Chelsea does actually move her character now instead of just jumping in one place.
Do you like our cute pumpkins this year? Sadly, they've been buried in snow, frozen, thawed, and started rotting already. So they went out on our last trash day. But the memories live on.
Chels likes to color with many different colors.
Auntie Beth is reading a story, so cute! The girls absolutely LOVE books. Chelsea is starting to be able to spell cat and dog, and she can sort of sound out the letters of simple words. Any letter she's not sure of gains the sound of "ah" whether it is one she actually knows or not. Sometimes she second-guesses herself. She's not good at putting the sounds together to make words yet. But we aren't really pushing it on her. She'll get it when she decides she wants to read on her own.
Brie is a great copy cat. She's combing her hair here, even though she has very little to comb. At least she knows what to do when she does get more hair!
This is a fun bed tent, designed to fit/hook onto a twin size mattress. We don't own any beds of that size, so we put it on the floor with the little mattress inside. Chels had a blast sleeping in it, but she kept waking up Brie, so it went away. We'll probably set it up downstairs when eventually I finish cleaning the carpets.
This is a fun bed tent, designed to fit/hook onto a twin size mattress. We don't own any beds of that size, so we put it on the floor with the little mattress inside. Chels had a blast sleeping in it, but she kept waking up Brie, so it went away. We'll probably set it up downstairs when eventually I finish cleaning the carpets.
Brie squeezed into that tiny space back there, planted herself on the Dora chair, and played in the dollhouse until Chelsea came around and I got the camera. Fun times!
A better view of the tent. (and a decent Chelsea smile for a change)
My hamster: cheeks full of grapes.
I had a cute video of Brie making this face and sucking in a noodle, but I accidentally erased it. But don't feel TOO deprived, most of it ended up in the video that Rick made for Greg. The only part that got cut was the actual slurping of the noodle. It's on facebook for those readers that are blog followers but not facebook buddies. *hint, go on facebook and ask to be my friend if you are one of those*
Big sister Chelsea follows little sister Brie's lead. Brie is officially the leader of the two. Yes, Brie follows Chels around and wants what she's got, but more often it's the other way around.
Halloween!!!! Rick was the Tin Man to go along with Chelsea's Dorothy costume. I was looking for a flower costume to go along with Brie's bee costume, but I couldn't find one. I did however find some bee wings and antennae, so we still were able to coordinate.
Aren't we all just cute?
I couldn't even get Brie to look at me much less pose. There was too much going on, too many interesting people to look at.
Our family wasn't the only one inspired by the wizard of Oz. Incidentally, Chelsea has never seen the movie and has no idea who Dorothy is, but she was still excited to be Dorothy for Halloween.
Bean bag toss. Auntie Beth was running this one, so Chelsea was really excited to play it and get her prize. She is a candy liker, that's for sure. Suckers (which often MUST be referred to as lollipops) are definitely high on her list of faves.
Brie didn't toss bean bags. She was content to carry around the basket. You can also see Chelsea's pal Evelyn in her cutie witch costume. You'll notice her cute face paint. Auntie Jennifer did face painting for the whole party. I wasn't sure if it would be in high demand because I figured most people are dressing up and would likely do their own face makeup. Not the case. We didn't even have a chance to visit with her she was so crowded with kids to paint. She was a big hit, and they all looked so cute!
I never realized how poplar Dorothy costumes are. I personally have never been Dorothy in all of my ALMOST 30 years. There were...several....Dorothys at the party. :)
We did a fun trunk-or-treat after the shindig at church. This one was MY favorite one. If you put your basket under the tongue, the creature barfs a candy which slides down his tongue into your stash. Ha! I thought it was great. Chelsea didn't want to get too close to it for long enough to get her candy the fancy way (that's her head at the bottom of the picture) but she still got her piece.
She had to try out Auntie Beth's fried egg costume after the party. Notice she's got a sucker in her mouth. She ate more candy than I probably should have let her. But I figured, if she eats it all up right away then she won't be bugging me constantly to eat it for very long. Good logic, eh?
This is just Brie being all cute and stuff. If you've seen the facebook video you've seen the highlights of this already. But I've had this whole post uploaded (including the video I accidentally erased) for nearly a month. I've just now gotten to writing the captions. It was new when I uploaded it.
We were just sitting around waiting for Daddy to get done doing something or other. I don't remember now. But aren't we just cute? I love Halloween with little kids.