Thursday, March 6, 2014

Catching Up! Tidbits from January, February, and March

 The girls have been loving play doh, much to mommy's dismay. (I just don't like cleaning it up, bleh)

 On a day that was not sub-zero temperatures, we sent the girls (and Daddy) out to build a fort.

 We took a little mini family vacation this winter. The girls needed some time out of the house and have some swimming fun. So we just stayed at a hotel here in Minot for a night. The girls loved eating their Subway dinner in front of the Disney Channel in the room, and then we wore them out swimming!

 I understand that they don't want kids slipping and falling so they make the floors of the play area rough, but I don't think the floors should draw blood! Don't fall down!

 Even with a few scrapes, everyone loved it!

 We keep a vinyl cover over our tablecloth most days in order to NOT wash the table cloth after every meal. Then when company comes we just pull it off. And the girls play under it.
 We went bowling for one of our FHE activities. The girls did very well!

 Don't laugh at our scores. We didn't want to make the girls feel bad by beating them by TOO much...yeah...

  We got TWO new members of the family! Rick and the girls fell in love with these energetic little creatures and decided (after consulting Mommy, of course!) to bring a couple home. They are both female and their names are Katy and Rosy. Rosy (on the right, I THINK) is the one that is a little rounder, slower, and grumpier. That is the only way we can tell them apart, ha!

 Here is their luxurious set up. The cage is sitting on a glider ottoman, so it rocks pretty easily. But at least all the girls can see them well.

 Well we didn't realize we were getting a "Buy-2-get-2-Free!" deal from the pet store. After having our two female hamsters one week, Rick and the girls were cleaning the cage. They made quite the discovery! There were two baby hamsters in there!

 Here is one of the babies about a week after being discovered. They are still blind, but their ears are starting to perk up, they have their markings, and a tiny bit of fur is starting to come in. I have no idea if they are boys or girls!

 This was from this morning. A big happy, munching family! They LOVE lettuce and carrots and cheese and grapes and licking peanut butter off of crackers. They are quite spoiled. They only touch their dry food once every speck of the fresh stuff is gone. And yes, that one is escaping while I'm taking the picture. No worries, she is safe and sound. The babies are starting to open their eyes now! They are escaping from the purple castle (where they were born) and the strawberry (where they have liked to sleep recently) regularly, and mommy hamster and aunty hamster take them back in regularly. They are not weaned yet. A couple more weeks, then we will have to see if there are any boys in the mix. If so they will be separated otherwise...more baby hamsters!....
No, we don't really want MORE baby hamsters. We are probably not even going to keep the two babies we did get. The cage isn't big enough for four. Who wants a hamster or two in a couple weeks????

No, seriously. Who wants one?

 Here is Monica Heit, I mean, Chelsea! On the 100th day of school the kids got to dress up like they were 100 years old. Chelsea's teacher has an app on her phone that ages you. So this is what Chelsea may look like in many years. Does anyone else see the strong resemblance to Rick's grandmother? It's pretty much amazing!

 The elementary schools in Minot had every kid reading the same book. One of the Humphrey books. It's about a hamster. Anywho, that IS part of the inspiration for our pets, but not completely. The school hosted a literacy night and the kids got to get their faces painted (rather, markered! ugh! the ideas they gave my girls by using MARKERS! ugh.) to look like little Humphreys. There were lots of other activities as well.

 Passing the time while big sister is in dance class.

 And finally, just today Brie graduated from Preschool. She's done amazingly well and will be well prepared for Kindergarten. In a year and a half. The kids loved showing us some of their activities and songs and routines. So cute!

They decided packets would be easier to keep all the papers together. Not as pretty, but very smart.

Who wants a hamster?????