Sunday, January 20, 2008

Eight Months

Eight months old tomorrow! Wow, how time flies. This little girl is growing up so fast! She is starting to get up on her hands and knees more. She rocks back and forth, and a couple times now she has actually taken a few steps with her hands before splatting down on her tummy. Chelsea and mom spent the weekend in Bismarck for their ward conference. Chelsea was a good girl, and actually got to sleep in a big bed with Mommy for the first time! Of course, Chelsea was queen of the bed, starting out on the side, but ending up upside down smack in the middle by morning. Mommy didn't mind though.

One of Chelsea's favorite toys is this little paddle ball minus the paddle. The string is bouncy!

This was just tonight (Sunday). She looks like she was bored there for a minute, hehe!

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