Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Week Goes By

I guess Daddy wore her out! This is the dress that grandma bought her for Valentine's Day. On the table sits Mommy's neverending projects. Journal, baby book, Chelsea's personal history/scrapbook, and *gulp* our wedding book. I'm only 2 1/2 years late on that one...(it's nearly finished-just two more photos to put in.)

Still just two teeth, but what a smile she's got! It's so hard to say no to this little face.

Saturday morning Daddy and Daughter woke up with similar hair styles

I carelessly left a bag of graham crackers in a reachable place. Then I left the room. When I came back about 3.5 seconds later I found her munching away. She was cute because she had a deer in the headlight look when I first caught her. She had crackers sticking out of both sides of her mouth and she just looked up at me and froze. I had a good laugh and got the camera.

Chelsea loves to climb up everything she can. Under the table is very fun to her. We like to play peek a boo while she's there. Isn't she just chubby looking!? Her face is adorable when her hand slips off the side. She recovers fast, though. Then she tries to figure out how to get to Mommy with all those table and chair legs in the way.

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