Sunday, June 22, 2008

Another week

Chelsea was in the kitchen while Rick was doing dishes or something and all of a sudden just plopped down and stuck her head between his legs. Usually she only hangs on your legs if she wants something right now. She wasn't requesting anything this time. I guess she just missed her Daddy.

A coworker of mine has a daughter who had a birthday, and we were invited to the party. Here is Chelsea on her way into one of the many blow up jumpy things at Planet Pizza. We were quite impressed with the jumping forts. I think Mommy had as much fun in them as Chelsea did! (Yeah, she carried those balls everywhere-we joked about how crazy Chels would go in a ball pit. Can you imagine it? haha!)

Here she is on her way out. We even got Daddy to go through one of the jumpy things. It was quite large and had ladders and slides and obstacles (and many kids) throughout. There were no signs that said no adults allowed. We checked. And so we jumped. :)

This is next to the jumpy things. It is blowing air under the ball so it is floating (just out of reach!) and you hit the ball with a bat at the targets. Can't get enough of the balls.

I have been reading a lot lately on different blogs about their construction projects resulting-at least in part-in a lovely garden area. Well here is the extent of my garden. I have a pot with two tomato plants, a pot with two pepper plants, and a pot with some foliage. I hope they live through the summer, and if I'm lucky, produce some fruit. Or veggies. Whichever. I'm proud to say that one of my pepper plants has a flower, and the other has buds! It's only been about a week since I've planted them.

There used to be a third face, but Chelsea smashed it. She loves to carry them around. There used to be another purple plant, but it didn't make it. The rest seems to be thriving. But I'm proud of my itty bitty garden! (but I do look forward to a HOUSE some day with a YARD with space for a REAL garden.)


Sally said...

Hey! Long time no hear of... Your little girl is such a cutie. She looks like lots of fun too. Erin, I think your garden looks great... at least you have something growing. I tried last year, and it looked the same (if not worse) in May and September... nothin!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

Thanks Sally! It's great to hear from you! I love checking out your blog, so keep it up!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

Thanks Sally! It's great to hear from you! I love checking out your blog, so keep it up!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...
