Sunday, February 24, 2008

A New Trick

This was taken just this evening (Sunday.) Rick challenged me to a game of Doctor Mario and Chelsea decided she wanted to distract Mommy by eating her face! She was adorable, so I forgive her!

Yes, Mommy still loves bath photos! Gotta love the spikey hair. I love that she has to chew on something from each hand at the same time.

Chelsea found her bathtub and her stash of ducks and wanted to play!

This is from the day that Chelsea turned 9 months old! She's growing up so fast!

This shows off the newest Chelsea trick. Can you spot what it is?
Yes! She now stands up on her own! She hasn't tried to take any steps or anything, but wowee! She's standing!

It has been lots of fun this week with Chelsea learning to stand. I was able to sleep in on Saturday since Rick was not planning on leaving the house till afternoon. Those two were up for all of ten minutes before I got too excited to see them and had to get up. So much for sleeping in! Rick has been putting in a lot of time on his final project. Him and Greg have worked very hard. The movie premier is set for Saturday, March 8 at 7:00 p.m. at Ann Nicole Nelson Hall at MSU. If any of you are involved or just want to see it, please come! The teaser trailer is posted on YouTube (I tried to put it on the blog but it wouldn't work). It is called Forced Intelligence. Look it up!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Week Goes By

I guess Daddy wore her out! This is the dress that grandma bought her for Valentine's Day. On the table sits Mommy's neverending projects. Journal, baby book, Chelsea's personal history/scrapbook, and *gulp* our wedding book. I'm only 2 1/2 years late on that one...(it's nearly finished-just two more photos to put in.)

Still just two teeth, but what a smile she's got! It's so hard to say no to this little face.

Saturday morning Daddy and Daughter woke up with similar hair styles

I carelessly left a bag of graham crackers in a reachable place. Then I left the room. When I came back about 3.5 seconds later I found her munching away. She was cute because she had a deer in the headlight look when I first caught her. She had crackers sticking out of both sides of her mouth and she just looked up at me and froze. I had a good laugh and got the camera.

Chelsea loves to climb up everything she can. Under the table is very fun to her. We like to play peek a boo while she's there. Isn't she just chubby looking!? Her face is adorable when her hand slips off the side. She recovers fast, though. Then she tries to figure out how to get to Mommy with all those table and chair legs in the way.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Growing up fast!

Hello Everyone! It's good to have you back on our blog! We've had a fun week! Every week is fun, though. Chelsea is such a big girl! She has mastered crawling and standing up on furniture and walking along furniture and going from furniture to furniture (as long as it is within reach) and crawling over Mommy's legs and she's even whistled a couple of times! She stands up in her crib now, which is both adorable and a little frustrating. It's hard for a babe (or parents) to go back to sleep during the night when standing up! Oh well. She's about grown out of her back-facing car seat. Soon we will have to spring for a new one! We are raising a mooch. It's our own faults, though. But Chelsea can at least SORT of drink out of a glass; with a lot of help. Some of her hair in the front is getting long enough to lay down a bit. I'm looking forward to being able to fix her hair and do it up all pretty. Right now the length and the poof prevent any fancy 'dos.

I'm ready for my close-up, people!

Chelsea just mooched a bite of cake from Daddy.

Now, she's sipping some of Daddy's juice. Cake must make her thirsty.

Can you tell which one doesn't belong?

Chelsea saw Reed knocking over blocks and decided she wanted to do the same thing!

Here you can see her crawl and you can see her method of pulling herself up. She's pretty cute, and I think she knows it. :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

A Look Back

We didn't take many pictures or videos this week. So here are a few from way back. Enjoy!

Here is four generations of Heits! Notice how dark Chelsea's hair is. She started out with Mommy hair, but is ending up with Daddy hair!

Ah the days when she couldn't go anywhere. :) Sometimes I wish she would just hang out like this for a few minutes nowadays. I'd get more housework done....Maybe....

Many of you wonder what she would look like without the fuzzy hair sticking up all over. Well here it is all wet down. She almost looks like a different baby, huh?