Monday, January 12, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

I have to show our snowfall for those folks that live in warmer climates. We've gotten a LOT of snow over the last days/weeks. So much so that I don't have to work today. Walmart has been CLOSED for two days so far because the weight of the snow on the roof has caused it to be structurally unsound and unsafe to be in the building. And we haven't had heavy/wet snow folks, just a whole LOT of it. And it's been sub-zero temps a lot and windy too.
The window on the left is our garage, the rail is around our steps by the front door. (We actually even started shoveling some of this out yesterday, but the 50 mph winds last night blew that progress away.

This is the mountain next to our driveway and our neighbor's van. This is a lot of snow, yes. But think how much there would be if there were three times this much snow piled here. There would be, except the city cleared our mountain twice (maybe three times, I forget) before this last snowfall. Does that make sense? Moral of the story: We have a LOT of snow. This spring we are totally going to have a wet basement.

Here's our snow looking toward the back yard. You can kind of see the fence sticking out of the snow in the back there. This pile in the foreground is about shoulder height I think. We haven't placed any snow beyond this foreground pile, that's just how it has fallen and/or drifted.

For those of you in the same conditions, check your own rooftops and clear them if need be. (Carefully!) Be sure your vents are clear also. Clear and free of rocks, as ours apparently has a rock in it. How it got there and how long it's been there...who knows?


taggdarci said...

Wow...just as we were missing Minot, I think we'll stay here in Idaho. :o) That's a ton of snow! We are actually planning on coming up in February for Jeremy Feller's wedding. Hope we can meet up! Chelsea is so adorable! I love her blonde hair! It was great to hear from ya.

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

If anyone was wondering, there was 900 TONS of snow on Walmart's roof. Crazy eh?