I know you can't see Chelsea's face, but I LOVE this picture. The pose, the attitude, everything! She loves walking around in our big shoes. What kid doesn't?

So after I took that first picture above, Chelsea started saying "Baggies! Baggies!" I wasn't sure why she wanted baggies, but I let her get some anyway. I don't know why I took a picture, but it works well in sequence with the following.

After getting out two baggies, she sat on the floor and opened them.
Then she stuffed one baggie in each shoe.

Then she put them on and walked around a bit more. Silly girl! I don't know what gave her the idea, but oh well!

This was after bath one night. We were about to put PJs on and she decided she wanted to read one of our bathroom Reader's Digests, so she grabbed the "ma-zine book" (as she calls it,) raced into her room, climbed into bed, covered up, and promptly started to read.

Yay! A chance to get wet! It was so warm out one day last week that we got all decked out in our swim gear and headed to the splash park. About five minutes after we got there, the temperature dropped about 10 degrees, it clouded over, and it started to thunder. :S Crazy weather. We managed to get in a little splashing before we decided it was too cold.


Daddy holding Chelsea under the waterfall. She loved it, as long as he brought her back in close to warm up right away!

Running through the middle, into Mommy's warm arms! She carried that flag from home and didn't put it down the entire time we were there. Too funny.