Thursday, June 18, 2009

The long awaited ultrasound...

Before I show the ultrasound, I have to show off our cute family! We decided to dress all alike one day and practice using the self timer on the camera. Chelsea had a ball! She said "Cheese!" and then "Again!" several times. Is she used to her picture getting taken? :)

This is actually quite flattering as far as belly shots. It doesn't look very big at all! I feel much bigger than this photo looks. I'm bigger at this point than I was with Chelsea. I'm not uncomfortable or anything yet, although I've had some problems sleeping the last few nights. I don't know if that was just excitement about the ultrasound or not. Chelsea was cute posing with me.

This is a closer view of my 21 week belly. We did the ultrasound today. I'm at 22 weeks now. I was going to take a picture of my belly today to go next to the ultrasound image, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. My tummy doesn't look much different than it does here, so this one will have to do.

Ta da!
Here she is, looking straight ahead for us. I put it sideways because it is much easier to make out her facial features. I'm sad that this is the only image the gal printed for us. Chelsea's doctor gave us four different images and they were far clearer than this, and it showed her sucking her thumb. This ultrasound was much harder to see anything at all. Oh well. There is a baby in there and she will join the family in a few months! Yay!

Oh, by the way, it is a girl!

It's not 100% certain. She was moving around an awful lot and kept her legs close together most of the time. But as the gal doing the ultrasound says, we "didn't see anything that looked like a boy" at any point during the whole 30-minute process. Chelsea has been saying she wants a sister for quite some time now. It seems she will get her wish!


Lana Lou said...

Congratulations! This is so exciting, 2 kiddos!!!
And to think that just a little over 5 years ago we were marooned on an island. How different life is now, huh? :)

Stacy Pettersen said...

Yay for girls! It will be so much easier having two girls together. Hand-me-downs, sharing rooms, playmates... I think it will be great!