The parade opens the fair every year. This was Saturday. We didn't get to go to the fair until Monday. But she brought in much more candy than last year, hehe. :) We are all still munching away at it. Every morning, afternoon, evening, bedtime, etc, she wants a piece of candy. Kids. ;)

I had to switch shifts in order to make it to my reunion banquet, so I missed going to the parade. But I'm pretty sure that Grandpa Heit is driving this car.

Finally! It's time for the fair! Where is the first place we went? The bathroom of course! Chelsea was happy to show her excitement for the fair. She's been waiting so long! A few days at least! We passed the fairgrounds when we went to my reunion and Chels got a glimpse of what to expect. She wanted to go right then!

Yay for petting zoos! She wasn't as interested as she was last year. But she did enjoy feeding the goats. This goat was especially slobbery and left quite the slime on both Beth and Chelsea. Good thing they have hand washing stations and sanitizer right there. Ick.

Just like a baby bird, Chelsea requested a bit of ice cream by opening her mouth wide and waiting. Auntie Beth was glad to oblige. We are big into sharing in our family. So much so that Chelsea feels entitled to have a part of or piece of anything that any one of us has. We'll have to work on distinguishing between mooching and sharing. :)

Petting the turtles was very fun to Chelsea. A new experience! Some of them were free to roam about and we were allowed to touch them.

She also enjoyed picking up the shavings laying around and watching them blow around in the wind. Until, that is, the lady said that the turtles pee in it. It was funny to see her face when she heard that. She got this look of disgust and she promptly dropped what she was holding and held her hand out like, ick, now what. That was the end of the turtle exploration. So funny! She wasn't interested anymore after that.

The albino kangaroo. Chelsea liked looking at these guys, despite the fact that it was super windy. She waved at them and said hi and bye. Cute!

The sign says, Please don't feed our birds your fingers. Do you think they would be ok with noses?

Yes, I'm making a frowny face. One time at dinner in order to make Chelsea take a bite, we told her mommy was sad and to make her happy she needed to take a bite. So she took a bite and then asked me to be sad again. So I was sad, she took a bite, and I was happy. It was a productive meal for her. For me not so much, but at least she ate, right? Anyway, now she'll ask me to be sad and I'll tell her to do something to make me happy, such as a hug or a kiss, or whatever it is I'm trying to get her to do. Silly thing, but whatever works I suppose. She wanted me to be sad. Don't know why, and I don't remembe what I had her do this time. Oh well.

We were headed out for the afternoon when we passed this cowboy doing his show. So we stopped and watched. Chelsea sort of watched. She really liked the horse and how he would take off his blanket and fetch the cowboy hat and lay on his back.

Finally heading home for nap time. We are all ready for a little break. It was a fight to keep Chelsea awake in the car on the way home, and then when we got there, she took FOREVER to go to sleep! Figures, eh?

Back for round two of fair day! After nap time we brought Grandma and Grandpa Kelly and Jennifer and Elizabeth and Uncle Greg (who met us there, really) to share in the fair fun. What is a fair without a blow up thing to jump in!

Chels had a ball jumping until she got bowled over once by a boy a little bigger than her. After that she was very cautious and mostly hung out in the corner by the net looking at the family. She got very leery of any kid that came near her. Ok. On to the next thing then!

Fishing! She wasn't quite sure what to do with the fishing pole. She's got a puzzle that she uses a magnetic fishing pole to get the fish, so I thought she would catch on quick. With some help from Auntie Jennifer she was able to catch TWO fish on her pole at once!

Her lovely prize for catching TWO fish. She loves this little ducky. He is a great addition to our stuffed animal collection.

It only cost us (well Grandpa Kelly actually) six tickets for Rick and Chelsea to ride the carousel. Poor Chelsea was two inches too short for all of the kiddie rides except the blow up things and the carousel. I was kinda sad for that because I know she would be able to handle most of them already. But we'll all just have to wait another year.

Grandma and Grandpa Heit work at the Pioneer Villiage every year. We stopped in to see them and to check out all the old houses and outbuildings. Chelsea really enjoyed going through all the buildings with Jennifer and the rest of the family. Mommy was tired and sat on a chair by Grandma at her post. Ah, chairs. They are great inventions.

Hey, this is fun! Look at me go!

And one more stop at the petting zoo before heading home for the night. What a busy day it's been! Chelsea asks to go to the fair everyday! But now it is officially over until next summer. She'll have a better idea of what to look forward to when next summer rolls around and we tell her "The fair is coming to town!"
Cute pictures (and explanations)! I'm glad you all had a fun time at the fair. It would have been fun if I could have made a surprise visit or something for that weekend. :)
Did Rick and GR go on the spinning ride of death?
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