Sunday, October 11, 2009

A new baby!!!!

My final preggie picture, doubling as my 38 week photo.
This and my coming post are a bit jumbled chronologically, but oh well.

Mom and baby!

Just before leaving the hospital we got a sort-of grin. This is similar to the baby bytes photo, but better. She's making a really goofy face in that one.

Getting loaded into the carseat to go home!!!! A big thank you to Jerusha for giving us the pink carseat cover. Winter seems to have come up on us fast!

We are home! This first night home was just us three. Chelsea was still partying it up at Grandma Kelly's house.

The loot!

Holding Brienna again.


This face shows Bri's more Heit-likeness. She looks a lot like Chelsea in some ways, but is definitely a Heit!

The pictures on the wall are a good distraction during unpleasant times, such as being naked and getting lotion put on!

Life isn't so bad once we get clothes on! We tend to lose her arms in the gigantic newborn size closthes ;P

Chels wanted to watch Brienna get diapered and dressed after bath. Still biting her nails. Grr.
Bri is technically not a premie, even being two weeks early, but the premie diapers fit her the best. So tiny!


Anonymous said...

What cuties you have!

Kathy said...

Yeay! Welcome to the world little one! It's awesome to deliver at 38 weeks, huh?! :)