Friday, December 18, 2009

Greg is a MISSIONARY!!!

Greg-in a white shirt-and the Stake President, President Greenhalgh. Greg is officially ordained an Elder now! (by the time this is posted he will have been in the MTC for two days already! Two days down, only....I'm not sure how many....more!) All he needs now is his name tag, a backpack, and a bike and he'll look the part even more!

Greg is swinging Chelsea around. Grandma is trying to get the little one ready for a picture.

Did it work? Not very well, hehe. Babies. Gotta love em. I still think this is a cute picture, despite the tears. Nobody ever takes pictures of their kids when they cry, me included. I've got ONE of Chelsea in tears, and it is also very cute.

So cute, even with the pacifier blocking her mouth and Chelsea with her fingers in her mouth. When Greg gets back Brie will be the size and age Chelsea is here, Chelsea will be who knows how big, and there MAY even be another little Heit in Brie's place. (That is not an announcement by any means. I'm stressing the MAY part of that last sentence, hehe.) Who knows what other little Heits-or Morses-will have arrived by then. :) We shall see what comes to pass during Greg's Brazilian absence.

Two months already

I'm not sure what this look means. Surprise? Incredulity? I wish I knew! These were taken a few days before she turned two months.

There's a great smile! It is SO hard to snap a good picture of her smiling! She's got such a cute little grin, and she's using it more and more, but most of the time I can't seem to get a good picture. Sigh.

I love the tongue sticking out!

So curious!

My girls got sick not too long ago. They are both fine now, but here is a picture of Chelsea when she was sick, just smiling and happy! She didn't really slow down too much, but you can see from her face and her eyes that she didn't feel well. Poor kid inherited my dark circles, only hers look more pink with her super fair skin.

I had promised a picture of the finished Christmas tree. Well, this is as close as I've got still. After it was all done we decided it needed more color so we got some red tinsel garland and added it. Chelsea had fun "helping" me put it on.

These next two were taken on the 7th, when Brie officially turned two months old. She's filling out, but I wouldn't call her chubby...yet...I never thought Chelsea was too chubby either, but looking back, she really was, hehe.

She's got very expressive eyes and eyebrows. :)

Here is a picture of Chelsea from way back in the day...

...and here is Brienna around the same age. (Chelea is a little younger in that photo than Brie is here) People say they look nothing alike, like they aren't even siblings, but I disagree. I think Brie looks a lot like Chelsea did as a baby. Different, yes. But alike. It will be fun to see how they change as they grow up. Chelsea definitely started with more hair!

Daddy is so cute when he plays with his little girls!

"Hello, Beast. Talk. Bye bye!"

Is this a pro Daddy or what? Check out that multitasking action going on. He's so great!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Chelsea got this little pink bag as a gift when she was born (there was other stuff in it as well). She knows it's a bag, but she calls it her backpack and wears it as such. My Little Pony memory is also her favorite game right now. I thought she looked so cute just playing away.

During our last FHE this is Brie during the lesson. She woke up when it came to the activity. We put up Christmas decorations, so it was a little inconvenient to have her awake, but it worked out.

We had a lesson on the story of baby Jesus, of course. Nativity sets are great.

Talking about the wisemen here. Do you like our stable?

And this is the last photo of the evening, starting to put up the tree. I guess we will have to take some pictures of the finished product for you to see. The girls were pretty whiney by the end, (both getting sick, blah) so I wasn't too concerned with photos by then. (They are both improving with their stuffy noses today. Right now they are both sawing logs and it is really nice.)

Thanksgiving 2009

Here's our youngest two family members. Brienna and Kyri. They are second cousins.

Daddies are so cute with their kids, especially their little girls! It looks like they were interested in each other, too!

Rick is always a big hit with the kiddos. He's so much fun, and so good at wearing them out! Chelsea is in the middle spinning and everyone else is running laps around her taking turns chasing each other. I guess you could call the game "tag" or something.

It will be fun next year when Brie will most likely be running along with all the rest! Or at least toddling around. :)

Grandpa assigned himself dish duty. What a good helper! (Can you tell I have a two year old! Lots of praise for helping, hehe)

The games continue. Rick is only pretending to sleep. Tyjah is helping Chelsea climb up to give Daddy a kiss which will wake him up. Then he runs away and they all chase him. I believe they actually drug him around the floor as well...It was not a quiet afternoon, hehe.

The fun continued later at the Heit House. Yes, we have Brie just laying on the floor here. Oh well. It wasn't for very long, and she didn't get stepped on because she was under a table. No joke, she really was. :)

A song and dance from Chelsea. Such talent. I hope she inherits some of her Uncle's piano skills. I can only teach her so much myself. She's got the dancing down pat, in my opinion. ;)
We had a very lovely Thanksgiving Holiday and it was very nice to be able to spend at least a little bit of time with both sides of the family. I look forward to Christmas when we can do the same for a longer period of time with each side. Hooray for holidays and maternity leave!