I'm not sure what this look means. Surprise? Incredulity? I wish I knew! These were taken a few days before she turned two months.
There's a great smile! It is SO hard to snap a good picture of her smiling! She's got such a cute little grin, and she's using it more and more, but most of the time I can't seem to get a good picture. Sigh.
My girls got sick not too long ago. They are both fine now, but here is a picture of Chelsea when she was sick, just smiling and happy! She didn't really slow down too much, but you can see from her face and her eyes that she didn't feel well. Poor kid inherited my dark circles, only hers look more pink with her super fair skin.
I had promised a picture of the finished Christmas tree. Well, this is as close as I've got still. After it was all done we decided it needed more color so we got some red tinsel garland and added it. Chelsea had fun "helping" me put it on.
These next two were taken on the 7th, when Brie officially turned two months old. She's filling out, but I wouldn't call her chubby...yet...I never thought Chelsea was too chubby either, but looking back, she really was, hehe.
...and here is Brienna around the same age. (Chelea is a little younger in that photo than Brie is here) People say they look nothing alike, like they aren't even siblings, but I disagree. I think Brie looks a lot like Chelsea did as a baby. Different, yes. But alike. It will be fun to see how they change as they grow up. Chelsea definitely started with more hair!
I love the pic with Brie's eyebrow all cocked up. It's great...and so cute!
Wow - time sure flies - two months already! And I totally think they look like sisters too - for me the resemblance is obvious, especially with those two pics side by side.
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