Saturday, January 16, 2010

Christmas Day

The day begins at home where Santa has found us!

Chelsea is playing with a gift from Christmas Eve while she gets ungroggy and starts to function while waiting for the go-ahead to open stocking gifts.

Yes! Finally! Chelsea was cute asking us to get each present "tarded" (started) for her. "Can you get it tarded, Daddy?")

Santa found most of the Heits (us too!) at Grandma's house. The missing folks are not represented. We missed having Jeff, Lois, Reed, and Greg with us this year. Maybe next year, except for Greg, who will join us the year after that when his mission is over.

Grandparents with the granddaughters. So far Rick and I have provided the only granddaughters. Will I ever get a niece? Only time will tell I suppose. :)

Mommies with wrong babies.

Brienna's buddy, Wesley. Cousins are great! I got to babysit these two while everyone went to a movie one night during Christmas vacation. It made me glad that I don't have two small babies at the same time, though after 15 minutes Wesley decided he wanted to sleep. Then five minutes later, so did Brie. (for 20 minutes, then she woke up) I enjoyed their company. :)

What cute kids we have! Too bad Reed was gone. :(

Yeah, I'm a dork. I know it.

Proud Grandma. And great babysitter. :)

Greg, Brienna likes the bear that you gave her! Thanks!

Chelsea really liked this baker's outfit. Making cookies is one of her favorite pasttimes. She got a toy cookie/frosting set from Auntie Beth. Our family knows our kids and what they like!

Checking things out. I am very happy with the contentedness that all the kiddos had during this blustry day. (More to come on the big snow storm)

Just cuteness in general.

Playing Dominion/Dominion Intrigue with the gang. Great game. I do recommend it.

Here we are at home opening our own family presents. The was actually the day after Christmas, since we were all bushed by the time we made it home Christmas night (again, more on that later) Ponies are one of Chelea's favorite things right now. So, of course, we got a few for her. She doesn't look overly enthused in the photo, but she was excited really. By this time we had opened so many presents over the past three days that she was getting a bit overwhelmed I think.

Here are our cute daughters just being themselves. Chelsea was singing to herself and dancing. I'm glad to have caught some of that on video. Brienna is just hanging out being a baby while we open out gifts at home. They are great kids. We are very blessed! (sorry it is a dark video)


Anonymous said...

Aaa! There's so much plaid in this post! My eyes!

Jeff said...

What's wrong with plaid? Plaid is actually very in right now. Maybe it hasn't gotten to Utah yet.

We are sad that we missed out on Christmas in ND. Glad you guys had fun!