Thursday, September 30, 2010


 My 10-month-old cutie!

 The barrette didn't last long. Hair too fine, and not enough of it.
 Snack time in the walker turned into nap time in the walker.

 Playing outside with big sister. I wish she was able to walk, but her pants survived alright.

 Sitting at the picnic table thinking, really, mom? You're taking a picture of THIS?

 They couldn't both be looking. Figures.

 Well I tried to get a good picture of both of them at the same time.
 This is about the best I could get. Still very cute.

 Yes, these are my pajama pants that Chelsea is wearing for overalls. 

 Can't go wrong with sidewalk chalk.

 She's quite the nice young artist eh?

Well here is another mysterious sideways picture. It's not sideways in my files and I just don't know how to change it once it is uploaded. Oh well. It's Chelsea and Daddy. And Daddy's car.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chelsea's Haircut, ND State Fair

This picture isn't mentioned specifically in the post title, but it's too cute to not post. :) Since I'm quite behind and am playing the catch up game again, you'll notice many of my commentaries are shortened. If you'd like me to expound on anything further, let me know and I'd be happy to spurt more details your way.

Brie is about nine months here. She totally LOVED going on the slide with Grandma Kelly's help at Oak Park one day.

Does this girl need a haircut or what? I don't mind the length, but it was getting a little nappy. I finally decided enough is enough. I got out the scissors after her bath one evening and went for it!

What was left when I finished. Yes, I had her sitting on the rocking (well technically gliding) ottoman. You'd think that unwise I'm sure, but it actually works really well for me. I parked her right in front of the tv. She was mildly cooperative.

The "after" shot. I might get the hang of this hair cutting stuff after all. I think it turned out pretty cute! She likes to play Lego Harry Potter with us, too.

Snack break before bed. Fruit cocktail. Yum. (Except for those cherries. Ick! The kids and Rick don't mind them, but for me, no thanks.)

This year Chelsea squeaked past the height restrictions of 36 inches, by an inch or two. Hip hip! She doesn't look overly thrilled here, but she was digging the dragon. I like how you can sort of see some of the other kid things in the shot.

Climb up. Slide down. Repeat. Repeatedly. Good thing we got a wristband instead of going by the individual ticket!

This one is still too small to go on anything fun. So she entertained herself by the strollers. She did very well. Good baby.

Can you spot all three Heits in this photo?

I wonder why they put the steering wheel SO far ahead of the seat? This is a little kid ride, not a scale model. Oh well. She still enjoyed it.

She was thrilled to have her own hog. Several others had to share.

Peeking through a sandwich board.

Waiting in line for the dizzy dragons.

Ice cream of the future. Think she likes it?

Air conditioned rest/play room. Whoever thought of this was a genius. Kids get tired of walking around in 90-some degrees after awhile. So they can come here and burn some energy without burning up from the heat.

And we conclude July's photos on this cute note.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I realize that I missed posting in August all together. I'm very sorry for this. Truly. My computer should be almost running again very soon. It feels strange to post from Rick's computer. I wish I had all my pictures and videos. Oh, and time to post. I will update eventually. Truly.