Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Kid's Life
Click above to go straight to the Flood Journal post

Well even though life is turned upside down for many folks, we are fortunate enough to continue living quite normally here at Grandma's/home. Holidays like the Fourth of July come and go, and we celebrate! And the kids still have full days of playing. I even take a few pictures of them occasionally.

 My cool girls getting ready to head over to the Scandinavian Heritage Park on the 4th of July. The Arts in the Parks and Zoo were closed this year, for obvious reasons.

 Tossing the duckies back into the water. The girls also had fun chasing balloons and jumping in bouncy houses and popping bubbles and just enjoyed being outdoors.

 Chelsea had a great time staying up nearly till midnight watching fireworks with the grown ups. She was enthralled by the iPad playing Bee Cell and Angry Birds while waiting for the show to begin. She was largely unimpressed with the big show by the time she had seen many independent fireworks around the sky, and was more interested in the iPad. But oh well. It was her first year staying up to see fireworks and it was worth it to everyone.

 Fireworks don't photograph well in the dark. At least not with my photographic skills, hehe.

I should take a picture of my real glasses because somehow they got all bent up. I can't imagine how, but they are in similar shape as these pink ones...

 Chelsea has been so into Angry Birds that Daddy decided to make a live action version. They set up boxes and used little plastic bowl things as the pigs, and the giant balls as the birds. They had a great time. I never would have thought of doing something like this. It's a good thing we have Daddy around. :)

 I was trying to capture the cuteness of Brie's piggy tails and how she looks three years older with piggy tails in. This is dark, but still oh so cute!

 Playing with balloons with the Spain kids while the grown ups play games.

 I have a multi-talented daughter. She can hold a balloon AND stand on one foot. At the same time even. 

 Brie liked sitting in little Lexi Spain's bouncer and bumbo chair. Chelsea thought that was very funny.

 And the Angry Birds continue! While shopping for some better fitting maternity clothes we came across a manufactured version of Angry Birds. All we had to do was mention it to Daddy and voila! The Angry Bird game appears! They LOVE it!

Again with the multiple talents: Holding a black Angry Bird with her TOES!


Lois said...

Looks like you had a fun 4th! And I LOVE Angry Birds too - such a fun game. Reed is more interested in playing this Lego Ninjago game on our iPod. Who got the iPad? So fun!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

My dad has one that the school gave him. I guess they are/were considering issuing them to students and utilizing educational technology with them. So they gave them to the teachers to learn how to use. He doesn't get much of a chance to use it with all of us around, though!

Michelle M. said...

Good to see that I'm Brie's BFF! ;)