Thursday, April 5, 2012


Abby is finally getting her first tooth about mid march. Is it sad that I really didn't take any pictures until mid March? I think so. Being the mom again is busy business! (But wonderful busy business!)

Brie was home sick from church this day. (She insisted on getting dressed up anyway, my little girly girl.) I noticed it had gotten awfully quiet. I found the poor sweetie like this outside C and A's bedroom door. Naps are generally not allowed any more, but this is an exception. :(

The remainder of the pics on this post are from Daddy's new camera. It's pretty spiffy. He was playing with the settings and experimenting with its capabilities. Here's a great motion shot of Chelsea. I think her face is so cute here! The pink pajama pants on the floor are mine. They will be featured in a later photo.

Yes, Brie is almost naked. I think we were in the midst of getting dressed on a lazy Saturday midday or something. I don't remember exactly. Brie has such perfect, cute little teeth. I hope they stay that way. Chelsea's are going crooked now. :S As of today, Abby has two teeth coming in. Chels likes to inspect them regularly by pulling Abby's bottom lip down. Goofy kid.

Brie loves to hide and then peek out, can you tell?

Ta da! The pajama pants. Can you tell what they are? I'll give you a hint. Tangled is playing on the TV behind her.

I was flipping through photos deciding which to put on the blog and Brie happened to look up as this one was on my screen. "It's Brie!.....It's a BIG Brie!" Her face WAS taking up most of my screen after all. It was pretty funny. 

Chelsea had her final dance performance of the season.

She always ends up in the back row during performances. There are only two rows, so it's really not so bad, but still.

The whole family was able to come including all the Kellys and Heits. Hi, Abby! She was very well behaved during the entire performance. Tired, but interested.

Who doesn't love a smiling baby face? SO CUTE!!! I hate to admit it, but her hair is getting lighter and lighter. I may end up with three blondies after all. Though Chelsea's hair is getting a little darker now. We'll see what the summer sun does to it. Abby's hair is still curly when wet, but straight when dry. I'm interested to see how it turns out as well.

Chels loved watching all the dance groups do their thing. This was the group immediately following her performance. She wasn't laying on the floor the whole time, hehe. Dance will continue for the summer. I'm debating on the fall session, or maybe switching to ballet since she's expressed some interest in that. We'll see. For now, she's having a blast!


Michelle M. said...

Nice new camera! I like the look of concentration on Chelsea's face as she dances. Do you happen to have any videos of it? Are they doing I'm a Little Teapot?

Anonymous said...

Don't go with ballet.

Lois said...

Abby looks SO much like you Erin - much more than your other girls (in my opinion). And Chelsea just looks so old in the pictures from her recital. Your girls are all so cute!!