Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

 Look, Abby can not only stand, but she can WALK! She's definitely a toddler, and not too steady on her feet yet. But it's definitely walking. 

 She's 11 months old. (Now she's going on a year! Time flies.)

Here's Abby swinging her legs, waiting to be freed from the stroller at the pumpkin patch.

 We were at the patch last Saturday morning before I had to go in to work.

 Sampling the hay. No worries, it never actually got to her mouth.


 Chelsea was the only one of our kids able to scale the hay mountain to its peak unaided. The bales were taller than Brie! 

 A view of the pedal car course. These were so fun. I was wiped out, but it was worth it!

 Train rides were available. The big girls got to go on, but not Abby.

 I liked how everyone was on a different level, mostly.

 All of us girls at the very top!

 This was next to the small corn maze,which the girls had fun going through. There is also a bigger one, but we didn't go through that one.

 Cute stuff.

 More cute stuff.

 Even more cute stuff. 

 This shot had potential, until we got the girls lined up and they were blinded by the sun and didn't want to look at me.

 Chelsea was very cooperative, but the other two, not so much.  This is about as good as I could get. Still cute, though!

 Here's Daddy, getting ready to take me down on the pedal cars. 

And me, ready for the challenge! Rick won, of course, but it was a blast!
It is starting to feel more like fall. Where did the summer go?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Splash Pad!

 Abby getting ready to get wet!

 Abby took a little while to warm up to the fact that she was going to get wet and there was no way around it. But she enjoyed herself thoroughly.

This was a hot day. The thermostat in my van got up to 108, bleh. The girls LOVED it!
Aaaaaand after this shot my camera battery died. So that is all the cuteness I have to share. They were being incredibly cute too. Summer is so fun!

Heit Head Count: 20 in 2012

 In no particular order, here are some family group shots that we took at the reunion. Some of them are dark for some reason, but oh well. This is the unedited version. I edit right before printing.
Anywho, here we have our host family, the Chris Heit family group.
Wesley, Katelyn or Kairi, Chris, Katelyn or Kairi, and Amanda
(I need some help, Amanda!)

 The Michelle used-to-be-Heit-but-is-now-a-Morse family group.
Allen and Michelle

 Being the blog author, I get to be biased and put up three of our family group, the Rick Heit family group.
Our kids were the most uncooperative of all the kids. Figures. You decide which one you like best!
Rick and Erin in back; Chelsea, Brienna, and Abby in front

 Silly face kiddos.

 Silly face daddy.

 The Originals!
I don't have individual shots of the youngest sibling (far left, Greg) or the oldest sibling (far right, Randy) since they don't have spouses yet. Grandpa Dave and Grandma Mary are in the middle.

 Heits can't be serious for very long.

 Here we have the Jeff Heit family
Lois, Blake, Jeff, and Reed in front

Now that you've been introduced, twenty points for the first to be able to name everyone without looking up for names! (Heits, you DON'T count! You all know everyone already, hehe)

Heit Head Count: 20 in 2012
How many will there be at the next reunion? I guess we'll find out in two years!