Thursday, February 21, 2013

Where is February going?

 This is the reading spot.

Daddy made up this little game to help Chelsea remember our address. We learned our phone number as well. I'm impressed with her remembery.

 Here is our little Valentine's Day Fairy. Isn't she so cute?

 I helped her get the hat and wings and socks on, but only after she brought them to me and made it clear what she wanted done with them.

Sideways, but still so adorable.

 The big girls are building duplo cars for their la la loopsy dolls to ride in.

 And of course they had to race! We call it the La La Loopsy Duplo Derby. Chelsea is doing a test run to see how her car holds up.

Three, two, one, GO!

We had lots of good runs. Most of the time bits of the cars flew off or the dolls were launched from their vehicles. The replay concluded that this one was a tie. What do you think? The orange block is the finishing line.

It occurred to me that in 16 months I haven't taken a picture of all three girls in the tub. It won't be much longer before this won't be happening. So I had to document it. I realize this is on the verge of baby porn, but I couldn't get Abby to stay sitting down for the picture. She kept popping up! Could I get them all facing me at the same time? No. Oh well.

I tried a different angle, but then Chelsea's face was covered. I can't get the ideal cute bathtub shot. But these tickle my funny bone still.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Somehow I Just Skipped January

 I was a major photo-slacker in January. I hardly took any at all. But here is cutie Abbie wearing, briefly, a purple headband and making a cute face.

Boxes are still the most fun toy ever.

 Brie had her first ever dental appointment. She was a champ! She didn't say much at first, but she didn't resist. She followed directions, though a little timidly. But by the end she was responding verbally and with distinct head nods and shakes. I was so proud! She loved her new toothbrush and toothpaste, though she can't really use it yet because she tends to swallow before she attempts to spit her toothpaste out. We're working on that. But she got a little flosser that all the girls loved. So much so that we had to go buy some of our own. :)

Our gift from the Minot Daily was a coupon for a free turkey. So I redeemed it. I didn't see any point in just sticking it in the freezer to forget about (and I have a TEENY freezer!) so I roasted it! I'm 32 years old, and this is the first time I have ever made a turkey. But I did it, and it turned out great! Impromptu thanskgiving-type dinners are so great in the winter!