Thursday, February 7, 2013

Somehow I Just Skipped January

 I was a major photo-slacker in January. I hardly took any at all. But here is cutie Abbie wearing, briefly, a purple headband and making a cute face.

Boxes are still the most fun toy ever.

 Brie had her first ever dental appointment. She was a champ! She didn't say much at first, but she didn't resist. She followed directions, though a little timidly. But by the end she was responding verbally and with distinct head nods and shakes. I was so proud! She loved her new toothbrush and toothpaste, though she can't really use it yet because she tends to swallow before she attempts to spit her toothpaste out. We're working on that. But she got a little flosser that all the girls loved. So much so that we had to go buy some of our own. :)

Our gift from the Minot Daily was a coupon for a free turkey. So I redeemed it. I didn't see any point in just sticking it in the freezer to forget about (and I have a TEENY freezer!) so I roasted it! I'm 32 years old, and this is the first time I have ever made a turkey. But I did it, and it turned out great! Impromptu thanskgiving-type dinners are so great in the winter!


Michelle M. said...

Yay for turkey!

It's a shame the headband didn't last long on Abby, because she sure looked cute in it.

Lois said...

Wow - Abby looks so much like you in that picture, Erin!

And that's awesome about the turkey. I have yet to make one too. Maybe I'll wait till I'm 32. ;)