Tuesday, May 21, 2013


 This is what we get when mommy takes her eyes off the kids while they color. Colorful faces!

 I was actually watching and holding Abby when she was using the blue marker. She just decided she needed to rub her eyes without putting the marker down first. So funny!

 I'm loving Chelsea's pose for this pic. Her and Brie are playing La La Loopsy Go Fish. Abby is munching away at that cereal in the middle. Can you see her mess all over the floor? Mommy needs more eyes and hands.

 So when we picked up the cards we also used the vacuum. I was not allowed to put the vacuum away until Brie was able to sit in the "hot tub." I love it! Chelsea had her turn also.

 Little Bunny FuFu, running through the forest, scooping up the....monkeys....and boppin' 'em on the head.

 Down came the good fairy and she said, "Little Bunny FuFu I don't want to see you scooping up the monkeys and boppin' 'em on the head."

 The good fairy had wings.

FuFu's close-up.
 We need a gate. The snow does for a good step stool for the time being though.

 Our traveling potty chair/step stool is good for a chair as well!

 I was washing a few potatoes (that the kids still won't eat, grr) and I looked down at Abby. She had opened the potty and was trying to pull down her pants. So I helped her get situated appropriately. She LOVED it. She will hopefully get the potty thing down before she's 3 1/2, like another daughter of mine. Abby didn't pee in the potty this time. She did pee while standing up next to the potty, and was surprised to find a puddle underneath her though. It was pretty funny. Since then, Abby has loved sitting on the potty and wiping with toilet paper. She's actually peed twice IN the potty. We're not pushing it, but as long as she's interested and happy about it, so am I!

 Circus time! Can't go to the circus without riding the ponies! I'm waiting for the year that they will want to ride the elephant. Brie at the very end of intermission said she wanted to try it, but it was too late. Maybe next year. 
 We let Abby hang out with Grandma this year. I'm glad because I don't think she would have made it very long. These two were basically done after the intermission as it was. But they stuck it out to the end.

 Chocolate was helpful in getting them to the end happily.

 These annoying butterfly things that sing and play music have inadvertently become a traditional circus purchase. Brie's didn't last ten minutes before it got finicky about when it would work or not work. We still have them both though.

  This was my favorite act of the show. This guy had a wind up crank for his "toy" elephant. The elephant would run around a bit and then fall over, broken, repeated with a few variations. It was actually a little puppy in a costume, but they did a great job with the act. It was quite cute and entertaining.

1 comment:

Amanda Heit said...

We get lots of colored faces around here....I just snapped off a similar picture on my camera!