Wednesday, October 28, 2015

May 2015

Bubble blowing at Grandma Kelly's

Having a visit with the neighbor's cat

Minot is getting a new church building (Stake Center) and we got to go to the ground breaking ceremony.

Brie loves Teddy Bear

Mother's Day was pretty cute this year. There were lots of crafts that the girls made with Grandma Heit.

Chelsea bought me a rose from school. She also drew me many pictures and made a scavenger hunt complete with clues leading to each one. It was all her idea and her construction. I was quite impressed.

Chelsea turned 8! She wanted a My Little Pony theme. These are some of the cake pops that I made for her tclass. Yes, I know they look like planets. They actually represent the different ponies. Apple Jack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. The cake pops are the colors of each pony. I tried.

The Birthday Girl

The guests, minus Abby who refused to go near the kids she didn't know.

We played several games, including a fancy obstacle course set up by Daddy. They LOVED the ladder part.

Abby didn't participate, but she had a good time outside anyway.

Only a dad would come up with a game like this were they have to hold on and run while he bikes around. But they loved it! Our main objectives with any party is to wear out the kids and then sugar them up and then send them home. Ha!

How do you decide which present to open first? You let the hamster decide! Whoever Scarlet goes to gets to give her gift to Chelsea to open. 


What does a room full of girls do while they wait for the next game to be set up? They act like crazy people and run around and jump on the bed, of course.

Auntie Jennifer came by with these pretty flowers for the birthday girl. She loved them!

This is their fierce face. (Ha!)

Another game that only a daddy would come up with for a little girl's birthday party: shooting targets with nerf guns. It went over well though!

More fierce faces.

Chelsea designed her own game: pin the candle on Pinkie Pie's birthday cake! She drew and colored the cake (that you can't see) and colored and cut out all the candles.

Time to blow out the candles!

The cake for the birthday party. It's simple on the outside but surprising on the inside.

It's a rainbow! They were impressed with the colors. The white frosting was supposed to represent a cloud, with a rainbow inside. I tried. I put more effort into the cake pops. This was easy.

Nom nom nom

A final surprise: We discovered a baby bird in our nest under the deck! Such a thrill.

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