Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Chelsea loves to put things on her head. Rags, dishtowels, toys, it just doesn't matter. She actually knocked herself over backward because the towel didn't go over her head. She pulled it against her forehead and over she went!

I'm so sleepy, Mommy!
Naps aren't a sure thing nowadays. Sometimes she will sleep for half an hour, sometimes an hour, sometimes longer. Occasionally I get 2 1/2 hours, but not often.

Mom and Dad had the Bone Family over for games. Chelsea and Isaac are reading nicely together. It was nice to see her interact with some other kids. She doesn't see too many except at church.

Rachel was nice enough to sit still so that Chelsea could use her to stand up.

She was also nice enough to be a stool for a bit. Can you tell she has an older brother? If the roles were reversed, I'm not sure Chelsea would have obliged...

Spaghetti. Need I say more?

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