Sunday, June 1, 2008

Random set of pictures

At Grandma Kelly's house for lunch. We just kind of let her go at it and didn't worry about the mess. And boy was there a mess! Spaghetti is such fun.

Play on, my cutie!

Peek! Well hello daddy! This little one hates it if the bathroom door is closed, whether she is on the inside OR on the outside. Now she's discovered that there is someone in the shower, and she hates it if THAT door is closed all the way. She used to just stick her fingers under the shower curtain and feel the water, but now she's tall enough to look around and see who's inside. Good thing we aren't too shy, hehe.

Here is Parker Nordquist with Chelsea at Parker's first birthday party. The dads were helping them dance together. Of course, Parker decided he was done once I brought out the camera. Why do they always stop the cuteness when I'm ready to record it forever?

We put pigtails down low today. Isn't she just a cutie pie!? She was having fun playing Dr. Mario with Auntie Elizabeth. Here I think she kind of looks like Michelle from Full House, if any of you have ever heard of that show before. :)

I couldn't get a better expression than this, sorry. The pigtails didn't last very long. They never do. Sigh.

Isn't this a cute outfit? Chelsea even chose to put the hat on herself. I helped her a little bit. But it was all her idea!

Here is our little fish. Shark fish that is! Chelsea's hair was put back in a way that it looked like a little shark's fin. She was even swimming around on her tummy until I got the camera.

Mom and Dad stuck toy Ernie in Chelsea's unders. Yeah we are weird, but it was funny. (Both parents were a little sleepy by this time of day. Just about anything would have been funny.) The reason she is only partially dressed is because we just went to Oak Park and decided to see what Chelsea would think of the splash park. Well of course she got wet. She liked it, but was very cautious. Good girl. :)

1 comment:

Larissa said...

Hi Erin! I loved all the pictures of your little one year old! She is very cute and looks so much like you.
I am so sad I missed being in that picture of you with Lynsey and Berkley- oh- those were the days.
Well, have a great one!
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