Starting out healthy with Doritos! Yum! For Chelsea's second birthday we took her to the auditorium where they had sloppy joes, chips, brownies, and soda to eat. For five dollars a kid they could jump all they want in those big blow up jumpy things. I don't know what they are called, but we thought Chelsea might enjoy them.
We were right! She loved every minute! She was bounced around and jostled by some big kids. One little girl even jumped on her back (we got it on video even) and Chelsea didn't seem to mind. She just got up and kept jumping. Whew! That was a relief, since that potentially harmful jump happened in the first five minutes she was in there. No other potential heart attacks (for ME) happened, thankfully. Yay for uneventful excitement and fun.
Some of these were too big for Chelsea to go in. She had a blast in the few she was big enough for and didn't even ask to go in the huge ones. Smart girl.
Making her way up this big slide. I have some really cute video of her coming down and getting really excited that she DID IT! DID IT! DID IT! If I can't get it to upload on blogger (I seem to have trouble with that) I'll put it on facebook later.
Not as a big a spread as last year, but I didn't have my professional party planners (my sisters) do the party this year. My mom bought the cake and I made cookies and we mixed up some punch. I made the pink punch because it was pink, and Chels loves all things pink, and I decided that's what I wanted to drink. I knew Chelsea wouldn't care what was served, hehe.
This picture is fabulous. Looking at it, you'd think that she just tasted something yucky and was not liking it. In actuality, she had just double fisted a whole cookie into her mouth and was brushing her cheeks with her fingers. She LOVES chocolate chip cookies. And chocolae milk. And brownies. Yeah, she's a girl who loves her chocolate.
Time for presents! She is getting better at this gift opening thing. By Christmas she will be a pro and we won't be able to hold he back!
From Mommy and Daddy she got Princess books! Books are some of her absolute favorite toys. Yay for books!
Here is a fun igloo from Grandma and Grandpa Heit. After the festivities we went downstairs to watch the assembly of the igloo. Then we all just hung out and watched Chelsea play until bedtime. What en exciting day!
This is the next day. Chelsea got a couple swim suits and other assorted swim accessories from Grandma Kelly. She decided that she wanted to wear her new suit. Ok. Whatever makes you happy! I love this picture. So cute. She also wore those water shoes for days until I finally hid them. She wore the suit all day, including shopping and to the park, though I made her take it off on the playground. Fun times. We officially have a two-year-old!
The joys of a two year old.
Dancing Queen
This is in the first five minutes in the jumpy thing. She gets jumped on, and watch how she reacts.
love the videos! where does she get her sweet dancing moves? mommy or daddy? happy birthday chelsea!
Looks like it was a fun birthday! Do they have those bouncy things up all the time or is it just a once a year thing?
Sally, she's got some unique moves that are all her own! But if I have to choose one of us, I'd say she got it from her Daddy, hehe.
Lois, no they aren't up all the time. I don't know if it's even a once a year thing. We haven't had to pay attention to things for kiddos too much in the past. :) That's the same auditorium that the circus was in, and Chelsea had a ball! Good thing for popcorn though. (we forgot the camera that day, bummer)
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