Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Park

This is at Grandma Heit's house while Jeff, Lois, and Reed were still in town. Yeah that's how far behind I am in posting, it's true. We played outside until the rest of the family was ready to head over to the park.

We picked quite the windy day to be outside! Check out that hair!

Cute pose. Chelsea doesn't really ride this little scooter. I guess she will push herself along a little here and there, but this day she just sat on it.

Finally at the park! Slides are by far Chelsea's favorite playground toys. She always wants to slide, slide, slide, something else, slide, slide, etc.

She also likes being able to talk Daddy into doing just about everything she does. :)

Swing break. This was fun, but she was ready to go back to the slides soon after. Reed's face is really cute in this one.


Hey these tunnel thingys aren't too bad either! Once you get high enough, there is a little slide down to the end!

Cheese! Made it through.

Up the step to the next slide.

Peek a boo!

Kids and balls, gotta love em.

A try on the big swing. It makes me nervous, but she seems to do alright. :S


Anonymous said...

Look at how green the parents' grass is!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

Well there was a lot of snow to feed it this spring, hehe.