Here's the gang I sat with. I'll stick with first names: L-R Cassie, Chelsea, Rick, Nicole, Amanda's husband (don't know his name, sorry), Amanda, and another Amanda.

In case we forgot what year we graduated.

Some random photos on a board. I was not in any of them, surprise surprise, hehe.

The kids in our class that married each other. Those poor folks had to pay $90, full price for both classmates! At least I got off cheap by just bringing a "regular" guest, for a mere $75.

A poster about homecoming senior year. This is the extent of the decor. Actually there was one other poster by the dance floor, but it just said "Class of 99" also. I liked what they did at Rick's reunion. They had class photos from elementary school and junior high from many of the schools their graduates went to. It was fun seeing how people changed from then, to high school, to now. No such luck with my class. Sigh. Oh well.

There was only one other kid there and it was just a baby, but I don't feel bad about bringing Chelsea. This banquet was the only event of the reunion I went to. How else was I supposed to show off my cutie baby girl???

Jake and Katrina. These guys were good game-playing buddies when they lived here. Too bad they had to move away.

One of my best high school buds, Nicole. We met in my dad's class. She sat behind me and we were partners on a project. We got along just swimmingly from then on, hehe.

And of course, our little family. I've been really into family photos recently. Can you tell?
I wasn't sure what to expect when coming to my class reunion. I didn't know how many of the people that I actually hung out with would be there. I did know Nicole and Jenae were coming, so that boosted my optimism. I was a little disappointed in the turnout of "my" crowd, but there were lots of familiar faces and several people that I knew all the way back from kindergarten. I enjoyed catching up with them and just seeing their faces again. It was also lots of fun for me to be able to show off Chelsea. Everyone thought she was really cute and some people I didn't expect to speak to me, did come up to speak to me and tell me how cute she is, and ask about the next baby. That was fun. There were several others expecting babies soon too, which was fun to see.
I was surprised at the choice of food for this banquet. I was expecting something similar to Rick's ten year reunion, which I was privileged to go to two years ago. They had places set with silverware and water glasses and even individual cheesecake appetizers set at every place. Our tables had a tablecloth and a mirror with a tealight candle. I expected a MEAL similar to Rick's with pasta, sauces, salad, rolls, meat of some sort, etc. We had little buns with a token of ham on them, cheese and crackers, cold veggies and ranch, a noodle salad, deviled eggs, teeny tiny paper thin french bread "pizza" type things, and little smokies wrapped in bacon. Appetizers! All of it! That was the banquet. I thought that was really lame, expecially having to pay $75 for it. But I survived. And Chelsea had lots of things she was willing to eat, so that was nice. I'm glad I went though, despite the unimpressiveness of the food and decor. It's the people that matter, and I had a great visit.
Oh, and Rick won a door prize! He won a ten dollar gift certificate to Space Aliens! Woo hoo! We'll have to use it soon. Maybe on a special occasion, like in a few days... ;)