36 Weeks. I should have taken this earlier in the day instead of right before bed, but time seems to slip right on by and the day is over before we know it. Does that ever happen to anyone else?
We went shopping with Grandma Kelly also. Christmas dresses! There is more loot, you can see part of Chelsea's new winter coat, but these are just too adorable to not show off. I love that we can now shop for "the girls" instead of just Chelsea. :) It's fun to say.
I'm a dork, I know this. And yes, I'm totally paranoid that we are going to end up with a boy after all these girly purchases. We'll find out for sure very soon! Just 27 days to go right now!
I'm a dork, I know this. And yes, I'm totally paranoid that we are going to end up with a boy after all these girly purchases. We'll find out for sure very soon! Just 27 days to go right now!
How fun! It's exciting that it's so close!!!
I think the picture of you "three" girls with the roses is cute.
I'm so excited I just can't wait. Chris wants to know if you're naming her Amber, just to keep up with the characters from "The Book"...
We haven't settled completely. I've got a favorite first name, but still no middle name to go with it. We'll see what she looks like before we really decide. That's what we did with Chelsea. No promises on keeping up with The Book, though. :)
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