Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Here are two pictures of Chelsea about a year ago. She's changed a lot, and not much at the same time.

And here she is a couple nights ago.

I can't get enough of the bath photos. She's grown SO much! Not long ago Chelsea's bath photos looked very much like Brienna's current ones. I can't wait till I can put them in the tub together.
It must be nice to be as bendy as this too. It's hard to tell, but she's really bending backward quite far, the goofy girl.

Bathtime isn't so traumatic anymore. Brienna seems to almost enjoy it. That is, until the water gets too cool and her chin starts to quiver and shiver. Then the screaming begins. Lotion is still no fun, and neither is getting dressed. But it's getting better! Seven weeks old today! Time. It's a crazy thing.

Look at those cheeks! I wish I could read her mind to hear what she is thinking. I bet it would be really funny.


Hi Mom!

My Baby Beaver.

She smiled right after I snapped this. So of course I didn't get a picture of it. :S Oh well. At least she stopped crying for this shot. Short sleeves and November in North Dakota don't mix. The shirt didn't stay on long. :)


Anonymous said...

You have such cute little girls!

Chris said...

Looks like after a year she still hasn't figured out how to put some clothes on.

Lois said...

So cute!!!

Jenifer said...

Both of your girls are getting so big so quickly! It's crazy.