Chelsea was playing a little too quietly in her room one day. I checked on her and found THIS! It was about 7 in the evening, WAY past naptime! It was so hard to wake her up. I don't remember why she didn't have her nap that day, but she needed one I guess!

Just cute! What more is there to say?

Chelsea got this cardboard house for Christmas. It's lots of fun for the whole family to play in!

My Princess! Thanks to Kylee for giving Chels a bunch of fun Princess dresses. Maybe we'll do a dress-up thing for her Princess birthday party next month. Oh the possibilities! Birthday parties! Yay! Now, for the planning to begin!

Brie was just starting to be able to sit by herself, hence the blanket behind her. I just love this expression!

Chels decided to eat her pudding like a baby apparently. She's perfectly capable of eating decently...

...but she went through a phase (lasted two days) where she smeared food all over herself. This is yogurt. Don't ask why she's not wearing pants. I don't remember. But at least she's in panties! Hooray for potty trainedness!

I've officially put the bouncer away now. Brie is not so interested in staying in it, plus I don't think you are supposed to put kids in the bouncer when they can sit up. Which she definitely can. :)

First time in the Johnny jump up!

Can you tell how she enjoyed herself? She was so cute bouncing away. She stayed in that thing for a good half hour before getting bored. The rest of the day (before and after) she was pretty cranky. (Sick and starting to get teeth)

I'm really glad Brie gets a kick out of things like this. She usually laughs. Only rarely is it too much for her.

Isn't this just precious? I love it!

Speaking of shut-eye...I think I'm going to do just that. It's 11:15 on Sunday night (don't believe what the time on the blog says, it's always way off) and the kiddos are in bed (thanks Rick!) and I think I am ready to hit the hay. I will have to do more catching up later. There's more to come on baby mobility and teeth and Easter and fun at the mall and we will be going to the circus in two days...Life is grand. I'm glad to share little bits of it will all of you, even if it is way after the fact. Thanks for being patient with me and checking back here after more than a month of no posts!