Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gavin's Birthday Party

Oh, the adventures of birthdays! I'm excited to be entering the stage where they can actually participate and play and appreciate the value of a good birthday party. Gavin is Chelsea's Second Cousin, and he invited us to celebrate! My cousins would always come to my birthday parties growing up, and now that we are grown, our children are going to each other's parties! Life is grand.

Here we have Chelsea, Me, Gavin, and Tyjah. We are such party animals, we were all over this thing! Snoopers is like McDonald's play place on steroids! We were here for several hours and Chelsea was still not ready to leave when it was time!

...I'm looking at you...

Birthday boy Gavin and his cousin Tyjah. These two were pretty much inseparable. Where Tyjah went, so went Gavin.

Funny face Jennifer! She's taking Gavin's brother, Gatlyn, on a spin through the ball pit.

The babies Brienna and Kyri, who is Tyjah's little sister. Each baby is hanging out with her own Grandmother. The Grannies are sisters. Aren't families great!? (I enjoyed calling my mom a granny just then, ha!)

We all had pizza and soda, otherwise known as pop. But little Brie got formula and apple sauce. Poor baby doesn't even know what she's missing out on...yet...

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