Sunday, April 25, 2010

A few shorter posts

Family Home Evening, we decided to help Chelsea build her first ever snowman. The weather was nice, and the snow was sticky, but it was a strange texture. That's what we get for waiting until the snow has melted and frozen and melted and frozen etc etc.

While Chelsea and Daddy were outside building the snowman, Mommy and Brie hung out inside and watched and took pictures.

The finished product! He's got prune eyes, a baby carrot nose, and a line of raisins for a mouth. Hey, ya work with what you've got.

Seriously, I get in too big of a hurry to get the cute smiles and I screw it up.

The smiles are never quite as real the second time around. Sigh.

Someone is ready for her nap!
She was just learning to sit up still, so this was a pretty neat thing to see. Thanks to Grandma Kelly for babysitting while I go to my presidency meeting!

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