Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Easter 2010

Here are some individual pictures of the girls. They are not too into posing for long periods of time, so these are the best I got.

This is my favorite of Brie, despite the non-clarity and backlight.

I thought taking individual pictures was tricky. Then I found out what tricky really was! Trying to get them both at the same time!

Brie sure loved that little white bunny.

Oopsie! Somebody is tipping over and not even noticing! She's too distracted by that silly bunny.

Such patience for a six-month-old. It's a good thing she loves her big sister so much! And vice versa.

I tried for some cute tummy shots, but those bunnies were either taking her eyes away from me or were in her mouth so I couldn't get a good picture.

Daddies are great for tickling!

This is Brie while Chelsea was being tickled.

This is what Brie did while the rest of us colored eggs.

Chelsea was very careful about getting her eggs into the dye. We only spilled two of the cups of dye by the end. No worries, no clothes or carpet casualties! Even the counter mostly survived. Newspapers, not so much.

Not bad for a between-conference-egg-dying session.

Brie is getting ready for bed. I think she was worn out by the day's events.

FHE the day after Easter we went to the park and had Burger King picnic and a second Easter egg hunt. We had a hunt at Grandma's on Easter, but I mostly took video and didn't get any fabulous pictures.

Here is Brie while we ate (she already had food) and hid eggs. She came out for a bit later, but it was a little chilly for her.

A little slide break.

My mom found the coolest Easter eggs. The ones with faces actually call out to you while they are hiding. "I'm over here!" "I'm hiding!" and "You found me!" when you open them up. So cute! Chelsea wasn't overly amazed by them, but the rest of us thought they were a hoot!


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the two of them. Brie's smile is so cute!

Chris said...

Does Brie think sitting in tunnels is the coolest thing ever?

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

Brie hasn't actually sat in any tunnels yet. I'm sure she will because I sure think it's the coolest thing ever! And Brie is more mommyish than Chelsea is, despite the Heitish looking face. :)