Sunday, January 23, 2011

Adventures in Parenthood

 I'm ready for my close-up!

 Here they are enjoying the bubble maker that they got for Christmas. Bubbles and kids are such a great combination. You can never go wrong.

 Brie loves bath time. As soon as I turn on the water, she comes running. But she's almost always finished before her sister. What does she do in the meantime?

 She finds a pair of boots, puts them on backward, and walks around the house! (nearly naked) 
Notice the carpet shampooer. The previous night we had a run-in with poo in the tub. Not pretty. We cleaned up the culprit and her sister and didn't pay much attention to them as we cleaned the tub and toys. You can probably guess where this is going. There was more poo that appeared on the bedroom floor while we weren't looking. It was messy. I'll spare you the details. Hooray for adventures in parenthood! (and maybe blackmail stories for later, bwah ha ha!!!)

 She came back in to visit Chelsea. She always wants to get back in the tub, but once she's out, she's out for the night. There's no jumping in and out of the tub here. This photo is also showcasing Chelsea's angry face. I think she didn't appreciate me taking MORE pictures. Oh well. This face is Chelsea's newest expression. I think it's adorable, but annoying at the same time.

This girl and footwear. They have a thing together. =)


Anonymous said...

My favorite part is that she puts the boots on backwards.

Lois said...

Haha! I LOVE Chelsea's angry face! We have had poo in the tub before - SO gross. :P