Thursday, January 6, 2011

Starting out the New Year

My cutie Brie handing me a shoe. You notice she's got several shoes that she is carrying around as well. She has discovered the joys of putting on shoes, and thinks she's pretty hot stuff walking around in Chelsea's shoes or boots. She gets a kick out of Auntie Jennifer's boots as well, but she needs help to walk in them being as they go all the way up to her hips!

What a funny way to watch TV.

Well that makes it a little easier to see, doesn't it. 
Chelsea has decided she likes to get into this position and flip her legs forward and off the couch. She calls it a somersault. She gets very frustrated if she ends up going sideways instead of straight off. I probably shouldn't let her do this, but I do. What if she ends up being a gymnast some day? This could be the start of her future Olympic career....ok so that's a stretch, I know.

My wrinkle-nosed little one. She's turning into such a ham! She's discovered what cameras are for I think. She'll give us these big cheesy grins and throw her head back, or crinkle up her nose and stick it out at us. It's adorable. I remember when Chelsea used to do things like that. Now Chels just asks me to put the camera away. (Not a chance, sweetheart, hehe)
Did I mention Brie's LOVE for her toothbrush? She even brings it to me and opens her mouth nicely while I brush her few teeth, just like her big sister does. (Chelsea brushes her own teeth, but then brings it to one of us for a double check. That way we know her teeth have all at least been cleaned a little) Brie also loves to have her hands washed in the sink. She's not tall enough to do it herself yet, but she has a blast getting me wet while I help her wash. 
You can also see the bubble blower that I mentioned in a previous post sitting there by the sink. It makes bath time exciting, that's for sure!

No, she's definitely not camera-shy yet! You can't see too well, but this was just this morning: I put little pigtails in her hair. I missed some hair on her left there, and you can't really see them from this angle and lighting, but it was really cute. She looks like such a little girl with her hair in piggies. My baby isn't a baby anymore.
You can see how red her little eye bags are too. She's teething again, more, still. She slept in till 9:30 today and only made it till 11:30 before going down for a two-hour nap. Poor kid. Teething is such a long and painful process for her. She's working on her 12th tooth right now. Hopefully more are coming in at the same time.
You can see one of her piggies a little better from this angle. They didn't last long. She pulled one out right away. I put it back and showed her herself in the mirror. She liked that a lot. They lasted a few more minutes this time before she pulled one out. Then she brought the ponytail holder to me and wanted me to put it back in. After awhile she took it out, but put the ponytail holder on top of her head and thought she was pretty hot stuff. Love it.


Anonymous said...

Brie's such a cutie! I really wish I could come back home and play with her.

Amanda said...

I love how Michelle has a comment on everything! I'll just leave one. I really liked the pictures and the photo shoot and the ice skating and the bubbles and the present opening and stuff. Whoo! How did Brie get so big?

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

It happened when I blinked, Amanda. Think twice about blinking anymore, and especially when you get the next two installments. :)

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

Oh, and I definitely enjoy the comments on each post. :) :) :) :)