Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Annual Christmas Torture Fest-er, uh,-Photo Shoot!

 My Chelsea is SO cute, but SO uncooperative when it comes to getting her photo taken. She loves to see herself in photos, but posing for them is torturous for her. She was decently distracted here, but we were trying for a decent shot to send in a Christmas card. (I should clarify-for GRANDMA to send out with HER Christmas cards. We've yet to get around to doing the Christmas card thing ourselves, so don't feel bad that you didn't get a card from us with one of these photos enclosed.)

Yeah, we thought that ONE kid was tough to get a decent pose from. Try TWO little ones at the same time! Moving targets!

 This was the main winner. Most cards got this picture along with Grandma's news letter. A select few got a second photo which is very similar, but they are serious faced, but still looking very cute. (It ended up at the end of this post.)

 We tried to do some individual shots to see if we could get one of them at a time to cooperate. We (me, Grandma Kelly, and Auntie Jennifer) were all trying to get Brie to look up and smile. I glanced over at Chelsea and saw this. Ha! Too funny.

 Then she did this. Hilariousness! The funny part is that she was not trying to be funny. She was just being bored. Made me laugh.

 She realized she was being cute when I started laughing at her. Then the hard part was trying to get Chels to look at the CAMERA.

 A little squinty, but way cute!

 Contrary to what most people think, I really like this shot. They are both just hanging out. Brie is checking out the ornaments on the tree (which is a no-no, we spent many trips rehanging bulbs) and Chelsea is admiring her dress. I like it.

 One of the few semi-decent individual shots of Brienna. She wouldn't smile for ANYthing!

 We tried having Chelsea hold Brie to see if that would work. You can see how well it worked out. Chelsea thought it was great fun. Brie, not so much.

 I think we were just about done at this point. Brie was long done already, hehe.

Soooooooooo serious. But they are both looking! I love my cuties, and the adventures of trying to photograph them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute! The pictures of Bored Chelsea are really funny but adorable.