Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fun Times in February

I guess this is a good spot for a baby to sit...
...and for her Mommy, too!

Three-year-old and a ring pop. Need I say more?

Rick got this idea from the preschool at MSU. Instead of sidewalk chalk, colored water to spray the snow! Chelsea thought it was a GREAT idea and loved it!

Phantom sideways photo again. The Heits will recognize this fellow.
 I realize that if you don't know what you are looking at, it is....yeah. But I assure you, it is innocent. It's harder to draw with a squirt bottle than you may think. =)

The rose was my creation. Chelsea did great at filling in footprints with colors. It was interesting that it didn't take long for our colors to completely disappear. Granted, it was a bit melty this day.

We had considered using this photo as a "Future Heit Family Photo" complete with three children and a dog, as an announcement of a third baby. It is a cute idea, but not clear enough I thought. So we went with the Valentine card bit. Plus, we don't have a dog, and a dog is not in the plans anytime in the near future.

Snow angel time. Funnily enough, sometimes Chelsea makes "water angels" in the bathtub. She lays down and splashes around in the limited tub space and announces that she made a water angel. Can I see it? Nope. But she tells me where the head and wings are anyway. =)

Chels asked me to take her photo and then made THIS face for whatever reason. I love her.

Daddy was pretty tired after pushing around these two in their diaper box boats. When Chelsea was little they were planes, and he would fly her around. Nowadays, they're just boats and stay on the floor. hee hee!


Michelle M. said...

Oh NO! Has Chelsea been seeing too many facebook pictures of people posing, doing the kissy-lip thing?

Brie has a nice chair- I sit in my colander all the time. ;)

Lois said...

The snow art stuff looked like a lot of fun! I love the picture of Chelsea with a ring pop - too funny! And the last picture is pretty hilarious - reminds me of Jeff... :)

Mary said...

It's good to see a feetsinker again.