Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some April Happenings

 It is finally getting nice enough to go outside! We took a family bike ride, first of the season, to DAIRY QUEEN!!!

 We took a walk-the-bike-to-the-gas-station-for-some-air trip first. The girls had fun walking on the rocks and checking out what Daddy was up to.

 Takin' care of business.

 Brie had no problems helping herself to our blizzards. I got my traditional oreo mint (my other usual is snickers minus the chocolate syrup) and Daddy sprung for the toffee cookie flavor.

 We got two blizzards to share between the four of us. It's cheaper and the kids don't really eat that much anyway. I feel bad that Chelsea didn't care for either one. Check out her face after trying the toffee cookie. Brie is diligently feeding me on the other side of the bench.

COLD! And yes, she has two spoons. At least one of the kids enjoyed the outing. Brie also came back wearing quite a bit as well, but it was worth it! Yay for warm weather and family outings!


Michelle M. said...

Snickers and Heath blizzards are my favorite. And now I want one, but the closest DQ we've found out here is over by Walmart in Mountain View.

How did the girls like the ride?

Amanda said...

I enjoyed both posts, and I agree that warm weather is the best after the cold!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

They were a little cramped in there with their jackets on. Brie wanted to be out walking (this was her first time in the bike thing) and so we had to strap them both in really well. Once we were moving they were really good though. Brie got impatient at a couple lights and started to squirm out, but other than that, it was a success! We'll choose either a different ending destination or else a different treat for Chelsea next time, hehe.

Lois said...

What a fun FHE!!! We should copy you! Though we don't have many DQ's out here (at least within walking distance). So we'll have to go to Rita's (it's an east coast chain).