Sunday, July 31, 2011


 This is the first time breaking out the swimwear this season, isn't that sad?

 Huh? What did you say, Mommy?

 Who's ready to SWIM?!?! 

 Chelsea splashing Daddy right off the bat, brrr!

 Brie took a backward tumble almost immediately off of this little froggie slide, so I was nervous that we would have a short, not-so-fun trip. But she recovered very quickly and enjoyed herself thoroughly, including more slides on the froggie.

 Half of two kids.

 Brie walked just a little too far into the deeper part and lost her footing. She got stranded like this for a minute until I dragged her over to where she could touch down again. She wasn't worried or anything, but I could just see her little wheels a-turning about what to do. So funny!

 This mushroom thingy was a big hit.

 LOVE the big smiles!

 A more controlled float with Daddy in the BIG pool.

 Those little life jackets sure to come in handy. I'm glad they make them that small.

 Whew! Some zombie is all tuckered out!

 Who had a good time? We did, we did!

 Driving one of the cool cars in the arcade section.

 Whoo-eee! I think someone is driving too fast! Check out those piggies!

I forgot to add this one earlier. Proof that Brie is a BIG girl! She went down the big slides just like Chelsea!


Michelle M. said...

Oh, they're so CUTE! I can't wait till we have kids and when they're old enough to do these sorts of fun things with. Brie looks like she's getting so tall!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures but we didn't see you, Erin, in any of them. Thanks for updating!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

I don't currently have a swim suit that fits around my mid-section, so I didn't get in the water except to rescue Brie when she got stranded. I'm the one behind the camera/keeping the camera dry/watching the kid not going down the big slide with Daddy. :) I had a good time though still.