Saturday, October 8, 2011

Abigail's Arrival

 Here I am in labor. I think I played one game of Carcassonne before I was content to just sit and be in labor.

As you may or may not know, I was induced as soon as I hit 40 weeks. I spent a solid three weeks at three centimeters. When I headed in to the hospital around 5:00 on Monday, October 3rd, I finally made it to four centimeters.

 They didn't get around to breaking my water and giving me the pitocin until 6:45. I labored for two and a half hours. After just a couple minutes and a couple pushes, we have baby Abigail!

 Her skin was absolutely flawless! She was perfect in every way!

 Abigail Kinlee Heit
October 3rd, 2011
born 9:13 pm 
9 lbs. 2 oz, 20 3/4 in.

 Phantom sideways photo again. Mommy and baby get to take a good look at each other for the first time. So precious!

 Proof that she was so big! I thought Chelsea was big at 8 lbs. 5 oz, but Abby takes the cake for my biggest baby! (Brie was 6 lbs. 14 oz if you were curious-2 weeks early though)

 Check out those squishy cheeks! 

 Before she was even out I could hear one of the nurses exclaiming about all her hair. She has dark brown hair that is a good 1/2 inch long at least. And it's really thick, too! I hope she keeps it. I'm not holding my breath though, since Chelsea came out with dark brown hair also. And we all know she didn't stay brunette! But who knows, maybe I will get a mini-me yet. hehe

 At the hospital she didn't mind hanging out half naked, though I did keep her covered/wrapped most of the time. They didn't dress her in a little sleeper like they did with my other two. All Abby got was a long sleeved shirt-type thing to wear. It worked alright except it kept riding up her back.

 The girls got to come to the hospital to meet little sister. Chelsea LOVES babies and was excited to come meet her. She gave her kisses and adjusted her hat and was thrilled in general. 

 Brienna, on the other hand, was quite suspicious about this little person and didn't want to go anywhere near her. She wouldn't let Daddy put her down, and that tongue never left the position you see it in here. Of course we did bring her into an unfamiliar place with big crowds of people watching her, and shoved a little moving baby at her. I'm not surprised that she was less than thrilled with the situation.

 I took this while it was just me and baby hanging out at the hospital. We had lots of quiet time during the day since everybody else was working or watching big sisters. She slept soundly most of the day and night. It was really nice.

 All packed up and ready to go home! These little newborn clothes aren't going to last her very long, that's for sure! She also went straight to size one diapers in the hospital. Big girl!

 Here we see the new van we purchased last week. It works well for our family of FIVE.

 I realize I still look pregnant, especially from this angle. Bah. Oh well. Hopefully I will be able to shed most of this in the coming weeks/months. I was shopping alone at Walmart yesterday and someone commented on how I'm still carrying baby around. Uh, nope. Baby is at home with Grandma... 

Here in a more comfortable setting Brie was much warmer toward the baby. She excitedly jumped and exclaimed Baby! but she still wouldn't touch her or give her any kisses. But that's alright. At least Abby's been accepted by the whole family now.


Sara said...

Hurray! Congratulations!

What a sweet baby. :)

Lisa said...

Just saying congratulations yet again. And laughing at Rick and his Grandpa T-shirt while his wife is in Labor... crazy dude. :)

Michelle M. said...

She's so cute- I love the tongue sticking out as she's getting her hair washed. I hope you're recovering well!

Also, I went through my journal to see who was the next largest Heit baby after Abby, and I think it was Reed.

Lois said...

She is such a sweetie! Congrats on #3. And the van looks nice!