Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rodeo and Bath Time

 Daddy took the girls, I mean the two big girls (I have to get used to differentiating maybe), to the Rodeo on Friday evening. Brie thought it was alright but the noisy lady behind them ruined it for Chelsea apparently. 

 Hi, Daddy!

 While the rest of the family was at the rodeo, Abby got her first bath!

 She was less than thrilled, as you can see. Now I realize that she's still got her belly button and it's not supposed to get wet. The main focus of the bath was to wash her face and hair and I covered her legs with rags in hopes of keeping them warmer. I did my best to keep belly dry. I kept the water very shallow. Only a couple dribbles made their way down her torso, but oh well. She'll live. She won't get another bath like this for awhile.

 Check out her hair! It looks thinner when it's wet, but look how long it is!

She zonked out with Grandma after bath. We shouldn't have let her sleep so late in the evening. This was the evening before the night of NO SLEEP. Night number one at home was great, night number two was the polar opposite. Night number three (which is our current count) was pretty good again, thanks to Daddy keeping Abby up for most of the evening. We'll try to keep going with nights like number one and number three.


Michelle M. said...

I don't know why I like Chelsea's expression in that first one so much, but I do. And hopefully Abby starts liking her baths soon (not likely). :)

Lois said...

I bet Reed would love a rodeo - it looked fun! And Abby is such a cutie!!