Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Time!

Wowsers, these are all completely and totally out of order. What's up Blogger?
Well anyway, here are my earless Minnie Mouse and my lovely Snow White at our ward Halloween Party. So sweet!

And here is our gorgeous family of FIVE. I love being able to say that, hehe.

We were supposed to Trunk-or-Treat at the ward party, but it got rained out. So we went from room to room instead. Brie was very cute holding up her bucket and saying thank you. Chelsea was a little more shy and didn't say thank you too much, but it's ok. She's grateful.

We went over to Edgewood Vista early Halloween evening and visited with Great Grandma Heit and also to Trick or Treat around the facility. The girls enjoyed the fruit Great Grandma shared and also chowing down on their candy while we visited.

This year we did a little bit of REAL Trick or Treating. We were fortunate enough to have some pretty nice weather and kids that are old enough to understand the concept. Abby stayed home though. She snoozed right through it. We also took a car ride to trick or treat to Brenda's and to Grandma Heit's, but I didn't bring the camera to those places.

Here is our neighbor to the east. The puppy was only mildly intimidating.

Here is the finished version of the pumpkins we painted a couple weeks ago. They've since been rained on and are a little less painted/markered now, but it's all good. They've fulfulled their purpose.

Chelsea and the other girls in her dance class got to wear costumes to dance class last week. There were some really cute cosutmes, but I think my favorite is my Snow White. But I'm not biased. Right? Sure.

Wide-eyed Abby after one of her baths. I was trying to capture the sticky-uppy-ness of her hair as well as the curliness of it when it's wet.

It's really hard to see in the photo. It shows a few curls though.

Brie loves her accessories!

Chelsea learned "three special steps" from Agent Oso on how to make a healthy snack: ants on a log. So of course we had to do those three special steps. Did she eat it? Of course not. She enjoyed the ants and peanut butter. Mommy ate the log part.

My little Ladybug getting ready for her first Halloween Party, and one of her first outings in general. She's only been to church a couple times now and to Grandma's a time or two. We haven't ventured into Walmart yet. But soon. I'm not excited to try wrangling three little ones alone yet. But soon. I can't believe it's been nearly a month already. Time has gone by very quickly. But it's been a good time!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. It's always fun to see the girls - and their parents.

Michelle M. said...

Thanks for the pictures of the girls and you and Rick in costume. And also for the one including Grandma!

Lois said...

The girls looked so cute!!! And way to go for dressing up - Jeff and I have been getting lazy the past couple of years...