Thursday, April 19, 2012

On a Roll

How cute is this? For about three days now Brie has been using the potty as long as I remind her. She's on a roll! Usually she goes in, does her business, and gets back to playing. But this time she sat here for a good 15-20 minutes coloring in her little journal-book, as she calls it.
Speaking of on a roll, look at me keeping up with the blog. Woot!

 Chelsea has decided to write a pirate book. This is her first page. You can't see it well on the screen (plus all that orange) but on the ship you can see the wheel and Captain Hook and Smee are both on the ship. In the water you can see the crocodile. I think my favorite part is the flag with the skull and crossbones. She'll point out loads more things than I just mentioned. I'm quite impressed.

 This is the beginning of the second page. Her pirate book is based on the characters from Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney. I forget the name of the boat, but it does have a name. The person drawn here is Izzy, I believe. Since I took this she has added more, but I'll wait till she's all done with the book to show the rest of her progress. 

Here is the lovely book that was published by The Minot Daily. The cover features Ramstad, my poor destroyed middle school.

 Here is a picture with someone some of you may  recognize. Can't see too well?...

...Here it is a little closer. I don't know who the lady in yellow is, so don't ask. But twenty points to the first person that can name the other three people!

And right at the end of the book in the advertisement pages is another set of familiar faces. We are all famous! Like I mentioned in a previous email, autographs available upon request. Nobody has requested any so far. The email must not have gone through or something..hmm...j/k!

You can see our house in a couple of pictures inside, and you can ALMOST see it in a couple others. The book is well worth it. It will stay right next to our personal flood journal/scrap book. (I WILL finish it eventually, like so many other projects I'm in the middle of.)


Amanda Heit said...

I'm looking forward to the rest of Chelsea's book!! And maybe I would ask for an autograph if it were free...Woo hoo on being famous everybody!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

Of course it is free, hehe. I never said I would charge for them. ;)

Michelle M. said...

Immodest, Erin! ;)

I like the start of Chelsea's book too. Is she going to dictate the story to you for you to write it for her? I like the pictures of everyone during the flood too, that's fun that all of you got into the book, although it's not fun that they had a reason to make the book in the first place.

Michelle M. said...

Oh, wait! Amanda didn't name the other three people in that picture so I will. Randy, Mom, and Dad!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

I made sure nothing vital was showing, Michelle, hehe!

And congrats, you got the 20 points! Maybe I need to give out points for other reasons and make a family contest out of it...

Laurie HF said...

How do we get a copy of the flood book?

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

I think maybe you can call the Minot Daily. I'm not sure. My mom got it for me. I knew that there would be one produced, but I didn't know it had been done already, and she surprised me with a copy. :) :) :)
The numbers are 1-800-735-3119 or locally 701-857-1900.