Wednesday, April 25, 2012


 The other night, Saturday, Brie had a little accident. From what I can tell she fell off of a chair, or fell into a chair. I'm not really sure to be honest. She cried for awhile but then went back to her normal self. She did request medicine though. It was so sweet the way she said, "Medicine, please, Mommy."
I know the lighting is bad, but I didn't want to disrupt the healing process by stretching her lip up more for a better shot. I'm amazed at how well she's doing. She is her normal self, eating normally and everything. (We showed the previous photo to a mouth specialist and he said that we COULD bring her in and they'd put her under and give her a stitch or two, but it would most likely sort itself out on its own. And it HAS!) The human body amazes me. Well any body I guess, not just humans. But anyway. What a trooper.


Kathy said...

Poor kiddo! Bryan has split his lip a few times, but nothing like that. I'm glad she's healing up ok!!

Michelle M. said...

I'm impressed that she's been so good about it. What a great little girl!