Thursday, March 21, 2013

St. Patrick's and Other Sillyness

A fun St. Patrick's Day activity with Auntie Beth

 The girls had lots of fun making their pretty pictures!

 They enjoyed the snacking on the marshmallows as well. (Not the gluey ones, of course) The bigs, as we sometimes refer to Chelsea and Brie, wanted to stay in their dresses after church. The little one didn't have a choice. I didn't want it to get messy between the glue and dinner.

 Ta da!

 We have our bearded leprechaun holding her pot of gold. You can see the little coins sticking out of the top of her pot if you look close enough.

 Today was Brie's second day of preschool. She LOVES it. She is so ready for it, too. She gets right in there and talks to the kids and the teachers. She had absolutely NO separation anxiety whatsoever. She loves the toys and she follows all the directions. What a champ! She made this flower today.

 "I look like a NERD." Those are Chelsea's words. I've never heard her call herself or anyone else a nerd before, but she totally embraced the role. These are mommy's glasses, but I think she looks pretty darn cute.

 So silly! She's getting dolled up for her dance performance that starts in...45 minutes. It will be her final recital of the season. I'm excited to see it! Her dancing is getting SO much better. I'm really impressed by her.

This was Chelsea's favorite shot. What a nerd.
(Just kidding!)


Michelle M. said...

That's great that Brie is so ready for preschool! Will she be as social with me when I visit? And while Chelsea looks cute in your glasses, I hope for her sake that she doesn't have the Heit-gene of bad eyesight, at least not too early. I don't know how old you were when you needed glasses, but I was in 3rd grade.

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

Fourth Grade for mommy. I was excited about it back then. By high school I was over it. ha!